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Need help, with Dwemer home


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So I finally got CK working without crashing.

So I thought I would make a house appealing to me. A dwemer-based one. Done most of the layout with hall-pieces, but can't find any rooms...


So I need help. What are the ID:s for interier rooms? Not hallways, not the farmhouse-interiors, just simple dwemer-rooms like som you find in the ruins. Almost checked anything in the Dwemer-area and Markarth-area of the CK. Please help a completely new modder out!

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So I finally got CK working without crashing.

So I thought I would make a house appealing to me. A dwemer-based one. Done most of the layout with hall-pieces, but can't find any rooms...


So I need help. What are the ID:s for interier rooms? Not hallways, not the farmhouse-interiors, just simple dwemer-rooms like som you find in the ruins. Almost checked anything in the Dwemer-area and Markarth-area of the CK. Please help a completely new modder out!


I find the easiest way to get the room models I want to use, it to just load a cell which features them already in the game. So for example, in your case I would probably load up Vlindrel Hall and see what rooms are used there.

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So I finally got CK working without crashing.

So I thought I would make a house appealing to me. A dwemer-based one. Done most of the layout with hall-pieces, but can't find any rooms...


So I need help. What are the ID:s for interier rooms? Not hallways, not the farmhouse-interiors, just simple dwemer-rooms like som you find in the ruins. Almost checked anything in the Dwemer-area and Markarth-area of the CK. Please help a completely new modder out!


I find the easiest way to get the room models I want to use, it to just load a cell which features them already in the game. So for example, in your case I would probably load up Vlindrel Hall and see what rooms are used there.

I feel really stupid not thinking of that...

Thanks a lot!

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The rooms are actually built with room pieces (for the most part): cornerin, cornerout, wall, etc.


The full kit for any architecture set you can find under WorldObjects\Static\Dungeons\Dwemer


All the big rooms (and they're really big) start with DweRmLg, small rooms with DweRmSm, a convention used in most if not all of the other kits. So you can also filter for DweRmLg and you will only see the kit pieces for that particular room type. Some room kits are trickier than others (requiring a certain orientation/ordering to fit nicely) but the dwemer rooms are all pretty straightforward geometry and will mostly fit any which way.

Edited by acidzebra
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The rooms are actually built with room pieces (for the most part): cornerin, cornerout, wall, etc.


The full kit for any architecture set you can find under WorldObjects\Static\Dungeons\Dwemer


All the big rooms (and they're really big) start with DweRmLg, small rooms with DweRmSm, a convention used in most if not all of the other kits. So you can also filter for DweRmLg and you will only see the kit pieces for that particular room type. Some room kits are trickier than others (requiring a certain orientation/ordering to fit nicely) but the dwemer rooms are all pretty straightforward geometry and will mostly fit any which way.

Yeah, I've noticed. But it's my first house, so I won't have to much high expectations on myself.


Btw, any tip on how to line everything up as simple and fast as possible? Or do I have too be really careful all the time?

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Read this especially the grid snap part


Also shift+q will turn your cursor into a crosshair, use that to click on a piece youve placed. This is now the grid snap reference and any new pieces placed will snap to it if the snaptogrid is on (q key toggle)

I often place one piece, then use ctrl+d to duplicate then ctrl+f to swap for the piece I want - once you get the hang of piece names this is much faster than finding pieces then dragging them into the scene, adjusting the height, aligning them.

Edited by acidzebra
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Read this especially the grid snap part


Also shift+q will turn your cursor into a crosshair, use that to click on a piece youve placed. This is now the grid snap reference and any new pieces placed will snap to it if the snaptogrid is on (q key toggle)

I often place one piece, then use ctrl+d to duplicate then ctrl+f to swap for the piece I want - once you get the hang of piece names this is much faster than finding pieces then dragging them into the scene, adjusting the height, aligning them.

Thank you. Will try it out for sure!

Layout is done. Tommorow I start furnishing!

And then once I figure out how too place it in the world and make the door lead to the interior, I will upload for criticism!


Thanks everyone!

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