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Custom Companions giving gifts

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Hi, it's me again.


I have another question regarding custom companions. How do I get my custom companion to give me items like the vanilla companions periodically do?


Here's what I have done:


1. Created a levelled list containing items to give, then added this levelled list to the companion's follower script. I also enabled giving items to the player in this follower script.


2. Created lines of dialogue in the 'hello' & 'idle' topic that have the 'companiongiveplayeriteminfoscript' attached. They also have the relevant conditions (get value 'hasitemforplayer' = 1).


However, my comp still has not given me an item yet. Am I missing a step?


Any advice welcome.

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I have write a - yet unreleased tutorial about custom companions (it is not out yet because it needs spell checking by an native english speaker and that guy is still on it, also it has not the highest priority for me).


I will copy you the parts about it in here. Can't gurantee that they without spelling errors and are complete, since it was for me almost ages ago where I had a last time look into it, but I hope it helps you:





You may still remember some of the Vanilla Companions: If your affinity was high enough, they would sometimes give the player something to eat, or a little ammo, etc.

What items they give the player is governed by this Leveld Items list. Of course, you can ignore this if you do not wish for your companion to give gifts to the player.

But in case you want him/her to give gifts to the player, then go to the Object Window to the tab "LeveledItem" under "Items".

Create a new leveled item there and give the leveled item a matching ID.

Check off both points "Calculate from all Levels" and "Calculate for each item in count".

At the bottom left of the field you can then insert the stuff your companion should give to the player later.

If you want some inspiration for that, you can check out existing vanilla Leveled Item lists for companions (they always start with "CompanionGivePlayerItem").

After you put everything in there you can close the leveled item list with "ok", and we can move on to the next things that need to be done.




The Hellos category contains short comments that your companion says as soon as he/she is addressed by the player.


You should create info groups here for:


-Infatuation Hellos


-Admiration hellos


-Neutral Hellos


-Disdain Hellos


-Hatred hellos


-Generic Hellos


As well as a group called "CompPanserGiveItemSweets" in case your companion gives something to the player now and then. Things like gum, ammo, or something - you know what I mean.


Let's start with the normal hellos.


The Infatuation Hellos Info Group needs the following conditions:


GetInFaction Faction: 'CurrentCompanionFaction' == 1.00 AND


GetValue Actor Value: 'CA_CurrentThreshold' == Global: 'CA_T1_Infatuation' AND


The Admiration Hellos Info Group needs the following conditions:


GetInFaction Faction: 'CurrentCompanionFaction' == 1.00 AND


GetValue Actor Value: 'CA_CurrentThreshold' == Global: 'CA_T2_Admiration' AND


The Neutral Hellos Info Group needs the following conditions:


GetInFaction Faction: 'CurrentCompanionFaction' == 1.00 AND


GetValue Actor Value: 'CA_CurrentThreshold' == Global: 'CA_T3_Neutral' AND


The Disdain Hellos Info Group needs the following conditions:


GetInFaction Faction: 'CurrentCompanionFaction' == 1.00 AND


GetValue Actor Value: 'CA_CurrentThreshold' == Global: 'CA_T4_Disdain' AND


The Hatred Hellos Info Group needs the following conditions:


GetInFaction Faction: 'HasBeenFaction' == 1.00 AND


GetValue Actor Value: 'CA_CurrentThreshold' == Global: 'CA_T5_Hatred' AND


The Generic Hellos Info Group needs the following conditions:


GetInFaction Faction: 'CurrentCompanionFaction' == 1.00 AND


For all information groups listed above you can then click on the following:


-Do all before repeating


-Force all children random


Then you can write your own comments in the info groups that you want your companion to say under those particular affinity conditions.


Now we come to the special item info group.


This info group gets the following conditions:


GetGlobalValue Global: 'TrueGlobal' == 0.00 AND


GetStageDone Quest: PanserCompanionQuest, 80 - Pickup Companion == 1000.00 AND


GetValue Actor Value: 'HasItemForPlayer' == 1.00 AND


GetInFaction Faction: 'HasBeenFaction' == 1.00 AND


Also activate "Do all before repeating".


Each comment in this category still gets the conditions:


GetValue Actor Value: 'HasItemForPlayer' == 1.00 AND


GetInFaction Faction: 'HasBeenFaction' == 1.00 AND


You then add a script to every comment.


The script is called "CompanionGivePlayerItem".


Now you go back to each hello group where your companion gives the player an item.


Enter there an additional condition:


GetValue Actor Value: 'HasItemForPlayer' == 0.00 AND


Now all that's missing is a script entry, which we'll come to later, so that your companion passes items to the player.


Well, that is all the info for the hellos.


Now we come to the last category you should add in your affinity quest.





Of all these scripts, the companionactorscript is the biggest and most important one.


This script contains entries that are the same for almost every companion, as well as entries that need to be tailored specifically to your companion.


I will only go into the special entries for your companion here - the rest you can see in Piper's companionactorscript as an example.


So let's start:





This entry points to your Lvl Item Entry - select it in the pull down menu of the entry.




Note: I have in the tutorial often take also an example on Piper and RandomPanser (my own created Follower), so if you read something in those snippets of this tutorial, name everything differently what is named "Panser...". Also it feels for me, as I had forget something towards the "companiongivesitem" story. So I have probably forget there something. The tutorial has at the moment just not a high priority for me, so I haven't error check it yet - sorry. Still I hope that those quotes from my tutorial are a help for you.


I am to occupied with 2 mods I working currently on and btw. if someone knows a female voice actor that has a mature female voice and likes to give 2 mods her voice - tell her from me please :smile:. All I need for a release of those 2 mods are some voiced lines of a female that sounds something between 25-40. Also I can't afford to pay someone, I better say it directly after the experiences I could collect in my time of modding on followers and quests.

Edited by taryl80
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I'm afraid I've had no luck so far, despite trying the steps in your tutorial.


On the plus side, I did manage to finally get my companion's hacking/picking to work properly.

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Sorry. I was afraid that it was so.


But maybe as a last resolution - you can reverse engineere my follower. She has this abilitie and also working. I bet the things I have forgetten to mention are the parts I have write in her "ComTalk" quest and/or something that is direct attached to the gift-lines/or the sentence-group for those lines (the rest looks pretty solid in the tutorial).


I wish, I could help you more, but "smaller things" like that I forget from time to time and then I often reverse engineere my own actions to remember how I have done it.


Edit: Remember to test your working progress on quests always with a new save, if you change something in your quests. I have several testchars made in my Fallout 4 for this very reason. Otherwise the things you have change working maybe not as intended or at all (aka. make a Testchar in Fallout 4 as example before you activate your mod - best in a near distance to what you try to test).

Edited by taryl80
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I've tried what you suggested. I mimicked every step, duplicated every condition, and tested each time on a clean save with a new character. I've tried different conditions, putting the dialogue into different topic categories, the result is all the same. Faliure. The dialogue options never come up.


I appreciate you taking the time to help me out, but at this point, I don't think I'm going to get this working.

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Sounds for me as if you have reach one of those moments while making a mod, where you need to take a break :).


I would bet, you have forget something tiny. Like a checkmark, script entry, or not setting up a condition probably. The thing is, you oversee those things very often imo, if you hang over the ck for hours.


Also it could help you to search on the nexus for other threads about this topic. I can remember that I had by myself read many threads before I got this function working.

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