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A gay mod ?


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Male-Male sexual/romantic encounters is my bet.


Then again are there any male romantic interests whatsoever?


Flak and Shrapnel are lovers.



gender-bender mod could be nice.. but i was talking about Have a gay hero (romantic stuff ) ! :D.. is just a idea ..


SOme girl are now a boy.. like prostitute.. stuff like that i dunno :confused:


(sorry for my poor english ^-^ )


You can use the console to remove the ladykiller perk and then give your male character the black widow perk if you like. That will give you a bit of a minor push in the direction you want. However, what you want is not an unreasonable request; and I'm sure that after the GECK comes out in december, you'll find what you want. ^.^

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Flak and Shrapnel are lovers.
ok ok .. on this game we have one homosxuel relation for how many straight relation many... many.. many.. and we know in this world is not like that.. i know is a game but i think we could make this game more realistic.. and i hope with the GECK some people will take this gay mod seriuly :)



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Flak and Shrapnel are lovers.
ok ok .. on this game we have one homosxuel relation for how many straight relation many... many.. many.. and we know in this world is not like that.. i know is a game but i think we could make this game more realistic.. and i hope with the GECK some people will take this gay mod seriuly :)




First, let me say that I am wholly in support of a gay and lesbian mod. ^.^


Now on to business. ;)


In a world as sparsely populated as the DC wasteland I don't find it at all surprising. However, you also don't have access to the entire Rivet City population; Aircraft Carriers are literally floating cities, and even with the bow cracked off like that there sould be a much larger habitable area. And with the people of the wasteland needing to congregate for safety, and with Rivet City's reputation, there's no doubt that it is close to or has already reached the maximum population. That said, the reason you don't see very many people is that it would probably take many more zones and NPCs and it would be a lot more crowded and harder to get around inside of.


It's sort of assumed, by some, sort of like: "How does Little Lamplight maintain its population?"


Also, there aren't very many population centers. The town of


only has four houses pre-quest, same with Big Town (Though the fact that there are only 3 women in Big Town could lead to some assumptions).

Canterbury Commons

only seems to have 4 residents, two of whom are an item. Besides that, there are only six locations with respectable populations. Of those, 5 have enough assumed residents to maintain a genetically diverse (non inter-family unions) population and only one of those five is an actual town; the others are more bases of operations. (

Paradise Falls, Ft. Independance, The Citadel, and Raven Rock

) Out of those six possible locations where same sex unions would be most likely found, only one has the sort of environment where that kind of NPC development has taken place.


So while there may be one, two or twelve other unions like Flak and Shrapnel's, Rivet City is only one of two where there is actual story to the town's residents and is capable of supporting a population large enough for that kind of diversity to congregate. The other one is Megaton, but the only residents you can interact with are... Well, in many cases, it's best not to explore their possible sexuality.




Also, I am absolutely not trying to be sarcastic or patronizing in any way. ^.^ Just trying to offer a counter-point. :)

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  • 2 years later...

I do agree, we need more things that suit every gamers interest and lifestyle, I can not seem to find anything that relates to what was asked, all the mods are all female sexual...No male sexual, and no clothing that would suit, my lifestyle interest.


I do not know if I am looking in the wrong places or not.

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