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Strange CK 32 bit bug

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Hi Guys


I have a problem with my ck32bit. If I open the ck32bit my Quest-Scenes tab is almost grayed out. Just a small upper part of the window is still like the normal quest tab should be.


That is to small for me to work with (it's maybe half the size of a letter). The rest is below the grayed out area. Did someone knew this strange bug and how to solve the issue?


I would like to finish some voiced files, but I can't as long as this problem exist.


Many thanks already towards everyone who can help me.

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Heyas Taryl! The 32bit version of the Ck did not get update with the 64bit version of it. So if you're working with the newer version of the game files, there's a version incompatibility. I don't know if it will affect the quests like what you're having, but it will definitely affect the lip files when you go to work on those.


I dunno if that will help you with the quest problem or not. But you'll need to have it for later on in your project.


I hope that this helps. If I'm off the mark, I really apologize.


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Thanks for your answer. Sadly, this tool had only helped me to open the ck32bit.


Still the error persists and the biggest part of the quest scenes tab is grayed out. Just with a small functional white tab line at the beginning of the quest scenes tab :/.

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I get exactly the same thing, lucky all my voice has been in the misc tab so that letterbox render has not been an issue.


You *may* be able to work around it by generating scene lip files using a command line bat file;


@echo off
SET ESPNAME = SKKVertibirdWorldTravel.esp
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\CreationKit32.exe" -GenerateLIPS:%ESPNAME%

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Sorry for asking, but I just need there to type my esp name in and then all lip files will be automaticly generated? And what is with already generated lip files from former versions of my mod?


Will they be overwritten, or will this bat file produce a second lip file then for files that have already one?


And the important thing... How do I make such a bat file? :smile:.


Edit: I assume, I just have to make a new text file and write your stuff in there and then I need to rename it to "bat", right?


Edit²: I tryed it now with the bat. It had not work, but thanks anyways SKK50.

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Kinggath recently made a video on workarounds for how to generate LIP files in his Bethesda Mod School series, and goes through issues with dialogue in scenes (around 19 minutes in the video). I don't recall if he mentioned specifically the letterbox effect, but maybe there are some helpful tips anyway:

The bat files he mentions in the video are included here in the Mod School Resources mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/38669

But the original LIP gen bat file comes from lazyradly, here https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/20728

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That worked for me. Many, many thanks!


I would still prefer to make it via the ck, but at least that is a working way around my current issue and again - many thanks also to everyone who has try to help me before.

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