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Lock variants


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Do you find it a bit immersion breaking that all locks look identical? Wouldn't it be good if those on Dwemer doors had different appearance to those in Solitude? I hope this would be fairly simple for an experienced modder to implement (unfortunately I don't have the knowledge or time) and in my opinion would be a small, but noticeable improvement to the game. If you do make this mod idea a reality please could you give me credit? Edited by Cryptogram
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Good idea!


The closest mod I can think of is the Automatic Variants, but for now the author only does animal/monster variants. Hopefully the other variants will come soon!


Here is the link



I would really love to see lock variants too!

Automatic Variants is great - would it be worth letting the author, Leviathan1753, know of my suggestion in case they could and would want to make it into a mod?

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I always wanted to make a mode that added different types of lock picks with different strengths and probabilities of picking the locks (iron, steel, ect...). I bet a mod like that would go well with different locks to! Some locks would be impossible to pick with say an iron pick cause it needs steel or better or some locks you need specific picks only (only glass picks can pick glass locks ect...). Now only if it was easy to do this XD
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