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The Order of the Dragon


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my egg cracks are getting bigger!now just that one that needs to get with the program and start hatching.

put my title in my sig for you aeryn.


The Grand Dragon Crone Goddess,Aeryn, says Ta..Grand Dragon Champion Josh, that makes it easier soon they will hatch soon..la!!!!


Edit*** Ta for the info Grand Dragon Knight Raz and Grand Dragon Goth..that was easy.. :thanks:


Aye have a great time Grand Maiden Goddess Dezi, one Goddess will be here at least at the Order, till you return and all the faithful Dragon members, all is in good hands..all my love and snuggly hugs till you return!!! :smile: will miss you..

Slán abhaile..Slán go fóill! means safe home and bye for now!!!

Edited by Aeryn333
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hehe the cracks on my three eggs look the same.



Aye your white just changed..its hole will appear soon...Grand Dragon Champion Josh!!

See, just a wee patience needed!!!




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The Grand Crone Goddess welcomes your new wee one, Grand Dragon Goth, welcome to the first two headed dragon, how cute, a new hatchling...as I finished typing two more came forth congrats, you have a trio...


Ah hello Grand Mother Goddess,Dani, how fair thee now..As you see all my wee ones have burst forth...

I have named my red one...since it is aWelsh Dragon, a Welsh name...

Will you name your twins when you see what gender they are....

Hope to see you more, that this holiday has passed anyway...miss you...



Edit***as I go back ah clicking, I see Grand Sire Deus Ultima has two new hatchlings also..Congrats


***One more edit...I have named by babae girl purple dragon..Nu Kai-Ying

It roughly means, she who succeeds.. is exceptionally bright!!!

Edited by Aeryn333
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