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The Order of the Dragon


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All clicked.

P.S. Aeryn, I put your floaty and your green into the ER.


Ta, I would have gotten them later, they were not that below..I appreciate the gesture, and if I was not around, then that would be good..

But I check my dragons daily..I like complete control over where they are..and go and at what time for I keep records..and also, check hourly fro soft shell when I put them in on my own..There was a reason I was holding back on the green just a wee bit.....scroll lock..


I do it for others, for some here are so new at it, they wait till the last minute, or are away for a few days..and have asked WE Goddess, to aide them..

Goddess this sounds as if I do not appreciate the gesture, for I do..

It is why I left unchecked the assistance thing on my scroll..


Please help the younger ones here Azir, as you do so well OK.. and don't worry about my ones getting low,I am an ol' pro at this now.. I will take care of them, unless as I said, I ask for help if I will be away..


Smile, no harme no foul, and you don't know till someone tells you, so still no harme no foul..la


OK???...Goddess I hope I said that right without my Sagg foot, being in my mouth again... :smile: All Clicked, later all..

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Wow, I do a search on my own name and find people talking about me in an area of the forum I never visit. :P


I wonder how she got all of those...thats very cool.


I've been collecting dragons since October of 08. After that much time, your collection grows. If you mean all the golds and silvers, I had only about 4 of each to start (maybe more silvers since I was good at catching them) but most are bred. As you can see, I really like the silvers. :D


How can someone have so many hatchlings... it's unfair! verymad.gif


All clicked.


I assume you don't mean the frozen hatchlings.


This question was months ago, but the way it works is like this. Say you have 4 eggs. All but one hatches, so you then have 1 egg and three hatchlings. At that point you are no longer scroll locked and can adopt up to a total of 3 more eggs. So then you have 3 hatchlings + 4 eggs. You can also breed the dragons for one additional egg.


Basically you are scroll locked if you have 4 eggs or 4 hatchlings, but if you have less than 4 of either, you can go adopt more. Hope it makes sense.

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This question was months ago, but the way it works is like this. Say you have 4 eggs. All but one hatches, so you then have 1 egg and three hatchlings. At that point you are no longer scroll locked and can adopt up to a total of 3 more eggs. So then you have 3 hatchlings + 4 eggs. You can also breed the dragons for one additional egg.


Basically you are scroll locked if you have 4 eggs or 4 hatchlings, but if you have less than 4 of either, you can go adopt more. Hope it makes sense.

I've was waiting for you to pay us a visit...

That's what I tend to do, and I end up scroll-locked for a week. But it's all good.

All clicked.

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Wow, I do a search on my own name and find people talking about me in an area of the forum I never visit. :P


I wonder how she got all of those...thats very cool.


I've been collecting dragons since October of 08. After that much time, your collection grows. If you mean all the golds and silvers, I had only about 4 of each to start (maybe more silvers since I was good at catching them) but most are bred. As you can see, I really like the silvers. :D


How can someone have so many hatchlings... it's unfair! verymad.gif


All clicked.


I assume you don't mean the frozen hatchlings.


This question was months ago, but the way it works is like this. Say you have 4 eggs. All but one hatches, so you then have 1 egg and three hatchlings. At that point you are no longer scroll locked and can adopt up to a total of 3 more eggs. So then you have 3 hatchlings + 4 eggs. You can also breed the dragons for one additional egg.


Basically you are scroll locked if you have 4 eggs or 4 hatchlings, but if you have less than 4 of either, you can go adopt more. Hope it makes sense.

please feel free to drop by any time.Your always welcome here!

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