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The Order of the Dragon


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Apocalypse, your hatchlings are under 3 days (just incase you didn't notice). And your silver egg is under 3 days as well, Aeryn.

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Clicked all..


ta apocalypse for the extra hard gold clicks,, :thumbsup:


Thanks Azir, I know, about my silver..I was waiting on that one out just a wee longer, till my silver hatchling grew up..it has now, so i will zip it in the ER and it will hatch ASAP....

But thanks for noticing,.. :smile:

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Hmm...what's this ER i hear about so often...?

Looked through the FAQ on the title page and didn't see anything so I am asking here... :P


In my Sig you will see two ER links, when an egg, or hatchie, gets below 3 days, it is in an emergency state..and can be put into ER to hatch, or mature, for the closer it gets to say 1 day, the egg or hatchie is in danger of dying..


Some breeders like meself may let a dragon go down, for we're experienced at this, for say we want to hatch the wee one on a certain day, or to wait for hatchlings,to grow up so we're not scroll locked..or even some want to freeze a hatchling at a certain stage, say when it gets wings..or genders, so they let it go till they want to freeze it..


Thats why many breeders especially check accept no help, in the settings..on your scroll page, but new at this, and those away allot..or do not post allot... I suggest check on your scroll page settings, accept aide, then if your dragon gets to low, some kind soul will stick it into ER for you..


Like I have two ER links in my Sig, if the first is down, the DC fan-site and oft it is, then go to Soti...

Try to take care of your own dragons,la, but if your away or sick, know if you have accept aide checked, in scroll setting..we will..but you have to set it in your scroll page setting that you accept help...


Eh like, after a big controversial thread at the main DC forum, many complained..that plans were ruined by those not understand not acepting help..even if their heart was in the right place..So TJ the owner decided, and that is why the new message says its against site rules to add wee ones to ER, when someone has checked not accepting aide..


So this goes to all, do not complain if dragons die, if you have not check in settings accepting aide..


Is that clear la???

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Very clear, thank you for the info and kudos to the great discription... :P


-Accepting aid now... after I go get some new eggs...



Good, glad la..all your new eggs clicked..

Now don't forget to click on your own eggs just once,many people forget this.. it will give you another click..

Go raibh maith agat ( thank you very much) for the kudo,unnecessary but sweet.. :smile:

Now I want to stay at 12, that I have reached it.. I have this wee thing about numerology and numbers..that's lucky number for me, no more kudo's..seriously please...I am full..and content.. :smile:

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