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The Order of the Dragon


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take that dezi!


jk... how is ya'll



What you mean take that Dezi..Be doggy wide, bhoy, do not NI the Maiden Goddess Dezi, or you'll meet with da Corkonian Crone. :P


@ CrazyBegga, tis humour from this side of the pond, that, that side of the pond picked up via Monty Python..


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hmm aha ...oh.....now i get it.....hmhm...yeah

i didn't watch IT but i just read a lot about IT


PS: does that mean everytime i say "it" ,IT(saying the word IT) hurts u?

like when i say " IT's beautiful outside"


IT probably does'nt,does IT? cause i'm only writing IT


well at least IT was worth a try


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*Smacks head at almost page long discussion of The Knights Who Say NI*


All clicked, good afternoon! :P


Ok, I agree enough of the Holy Grail, and knights of NI, OT..A comment here and there is fine but a whole bloody page, is to far OT..when I the Crone answered the Q in my post which all seemed to ignore, and went right on, and on with it..now back on topic folks, Ok..

Don't make me get me whip out..bhoyos.. :rolleyes:


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