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I had my MRI and am in much pain, will be gone aliitle longer..


I am sad, and disapointed, to see, that all my hatchies are dead, why did not someone put them in ER for me..I have done so with every member here.and saved many wee ones for others...yet I come back and all mine are dead...


I gave permission, in my post to ignore my do not help when I am this sick..My first set of twins died..none could be revived..

I am not angry I am just sad, that what I have done for all here, the many I have put in ER for others, could not be done for me..


..I have limited time until this is fully treated to be on my feet or sitting long , so be back whenever...Not feeling part anymore right now..depsite pain..


Yet All clicked...


I do have to say..Right now..I feel unimportant for sure, for words are nice, but actions say much more.. :confused:


@Azir I put your eggs in ER..

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Aeryn, I'm sorry that they died. Thanks for putting mine in the ER, I only wish that I could have done the same for you.

Get better soon, Aeryn.

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I had my MRI and am in much pain, will be gone aliitle longer..


I am sad, and disapointed, to see, that all my hatchies are dead, why did not someone put them in ER for me..I have done so with every member here.and saved many wee ones for others...yet I come back and all mine are dead...


I gave permission, in my post to ignore my do not help when I am this sick..My first set of twins died..none could be revived..

I am not angry I am just sad, that what I have done for all here, the many I have put in ER for others, could not be done for me..


..I have limited time until this is fully treated to be on my feet or sitting long , so be back whenever...Not feeling part anymore right now..depsite pain..


Yet All clicked...


I do have to say..Right now..I feel unimportant for sure, for words are nice, but actions say much more.. :confused:


@Azir I put your eggs in ER..

I am so sorry my love,my heart aches.I offer no excuses as to why other than to say I have failed you and that indeed saddens me. I am quilty of neglecting my duties,my topic and perhaps your friendship as well.I hope you recover and can find it in your heart to forgive me.As A goddess I take full blame and no one else,no one.

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...I have limited time until this is fully treated to be on my feet or sitting long , so be back whenever...Not feeling part anymore right now..depsite pain..


Yet All clicked...


I do have to say..Right now..I feel unimportant for sure, for words are nice, but actions say much more.. :confused:


@Azir I put your eggs in ER..

I am so sorry my love,my heart aches.I offer no excuses as to why other than to say I have failed you and that indeed saddens me. I am quilty of neglecting my duties,my topic and perhaps your friendship as well.I hope you recover and can find it in your heart to forgive me.As A goddess I take full blame and no one else,no one.

Off Topic and OT

Listen Dez...perhaps business, the hurriedness of lifes demands, does make others forget, the important things in life..love and true friendship is all we take wkth us, and all that is of value in this life..and the kindness we show one another..

Eh like though it takes guts to admit, what yopu did..proud of you, you have a kind heart when you slow down and look at it.. to which I appreciate..Eh then you been sick also, and recovering..so I do not see it as your fault..la


Eh it is the many others we have helped I expected more from..as for forgive, that is easy m'love, i hold no hard feelings in my heart how could I our souls, are tied in some way..Eh once my love is given takes allot more than that to lose it.. you are important part of my life, let us just not forget that..nothign to forgive..Life is to short to harbour feelings guilt or blame..la


This is for all., what has been given to one, take the time, to give it back, and the reward is great inside..aye it is..


No blame is necessary, no harme no foul..to you either Azir.. :wink:


clicked all that was clickable..


@CrazzyBegga put your wee egg in Soti it was at 40 minutes so hope I got it in time..la

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Sick yes and tired alot too. I've cut way back on many things as the hours were too much for me. I've taken to spending more time at my writing and that seems to be for me at least a good thing.

Life is too short indeed and I truely love you for you. The fall is here and the cold and now I'll hunker down to work again, but at a slower pace.I've taken a restock of whats important to me and have even given up some things I was working on to pursue my writing.My mind yearns to put down the things I feel and want to say.


I miss you and we need to get this topic alive if only for the fact that it keeps our bond a bit tighter i think.Stay well and safe,Love Dezi

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all possible clicked, sorry haven't dropped in on the order recently. great to see that The Holy Ones are still running the show keep it up Dezi and Aeryn we appriciate what you do sorry about your eggs Aeryn. :(
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