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The Order of the Dragon


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all clicked..


I am going to try again, any help would be appreciated, since I am up and down, but if I don't get my Autumn, soon, I'll miss it again for another year, my Autumn has been waiting for her mate over a year.


Creudylad my Spring and Taliesin my Gold gave me twins, Aye the Goddess was good I have another set of twins, and caught the second one, immediate after lucky...So I am hoping from the twins, my Autumn Bethag will finally get her mate..an perchance a daughter also..from her breeding..with Merlin another gold..


So eh once again, I am hopeing since I am still up and down, that till I am back fully if you see one of mine getting low and I haven't caught it, please you have my permission despite what my scroll says to put them in Soti ER, link in my Sig..... :thanks:

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all clicked..


I am going to try again, any help would be appreciated, since I am up and down, but if I don't get my Autumn, soon, I'll miss it again for another year, my Autumn has been waiting for her mate over a year.


Creudylad my Spring and Taliesin my Gold gave me twins, Aye the Goddess was good I have another set of twins, and caught the second one, immediate after lucky...So I am hoping from the twins, my Autumn Bethag will finally get her mate..an perchance a daughter also..from her breeding..with Merlin another gold..


So eh once again, I am hopeing since I am still up and down, that till I am back fully if you see one of mine getting low and I haven't caught it, please you have my permission despite what my scroll says to put them in Soti ER, link in my Sig..... :thanks:


So sorry what happened with your wee dragons, Goddess! What an Order we've turned out to be! But I'm back online now and hope I can make up for it. I wish I could cure what ails you as easily as we click these dragon eggs!

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I'm sure this will sound dumb but...um...can you eat a dragon egg if it dies? :rolleyes:



This is you second post, of a similiar kind.., if you want to join the order click on my name link Crone Goddess Aeryn in my Sig, it goes to the frist page explains everything..read the rules fill out the form..


Can you eat a dead egg!!!,....your subtle sarcasm with the eye roll, did not get by me...listen bohyo , we take our wee dragons serious here.....The Crone Goddess has spoken..either get eggs and join, or....if your going to just troll the thread, and not join, then move along OK...Understand la.. :closedeyes:


@Ta Herculine for the kind thoughts.. haven't got the results of the MRI, when I do, I will let yous know..till then its take it easy..good to see you back...All the good vibes my way will be well taken.. :thanks:

@Ta also Lord Tenaim..


Could you all click me first egg again,all, I don't believe I'm such a eegit when in pain..put the same egg twice, the other twin, was forgotten, now she or he is there...poor wee thing is not going to get clicks that way, all fixed..


all clicked, be back when I can..

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Sorry, this will be my last post. I tried to get my own egg, but got hung up on the Dragon Cave Register Forum Shop. Kept asking me to correct the following errors, but nothing was highlighted. Put in all the info as directed, but I guess I was doing something wrong. So after my upteenth time of trying to join I simply...gave up.
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Sorry, this will be my last post. I tried to get my own egg, but got hung up on the Dragon Cave Register Forum Shop. Kept asking me to correct the following errors, but nothing was highlighted. Put in all the info as directed, but I guess I was doing something wrong. So after my upteenth time of trying to join I simply...gave up.



Ok la, that's better, to be direct, leaves no doubt..whether your serious trying or being a troll..we had one here once was a real pain..Ok wee one I can help if you really want to join..


If you need help with the Dragon Cave page just ask, be happy to walk you through it..I mean it...


OR...Tell me what name you would like to use, and I will set up your page, give you the link to it, in a PM..and then after I do you can then change your password, would you like me to do that for you..?????


To join our Dragon Order here..after you get your fiurst egg..First we get you set up at the Drag cave, if you want mwe to help I will..then fill this form out..OK..







Reason for joining the Order:


Submit the Title you wish to be known by:


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Sorry, this will be my last post. I tried to get my own egg, but got hung up on the Dragon Cave Register Forum Shop. Kept asking me to correct the following errors, but nothing was highlighted. Put in all the info as directed, but I guess I was doing something wrong. So after my upteenth time of trying to join I simply...gave up.



Ok la, that's better, to be direct, leaves no doubt..whether your serious trying or being a troll..we had one here once was a real pain..Ok wee one I can help if you really want to join..


If you need help with the Dragon Cave page just ask, be happy to walk you through it..I mean it...


OR...Tell me what name you would like to use, and I will set up your page, give you the link to it, in a PM..and then after I do you can then change your password, would you like me to do that for you..?????


To join our Dragon Order here..after you get your fiurst egg..First we get you set up at the Drag cave, if you want mwe to help I will..then fill this form out..OK..




Born:During The First Eclipse



Reason for joining the Order: I received a vision in a dream, from a great and powerful Alpha Dragon. I rode atop her back as she carried me across a golden sea. We landed on a beach, and the Alpha Dragon met with an Omega Dragon, and the two began dueling. I was ordered to climb a nearby cliff and when I reached the top, I found an egg, nestled in a nest of clouds.


Submit the Title you wish to be known by: Queen Tahri


I am currently wandering through the cave, searching for the egg in my vision.

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