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The Order of the Dragon


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all clicked except her majesty who hasn't fixed her link yet, :wallbash: Added her name to the scroll



M'love you can get a masssive headache that way..Eh bloody'ell I'll join you.. :wallbash:

All clicked

We're All excited to click your wee one, so please fix her, so we can lovingly click the wee EGG..can't make it any clearer..sweetie..First try it yourself thats important..


Eh like if your still having problems, after that.. and its to much, you told me you got allot going on, PM me your scroll name and password, then I'll fix it for you, and then you can just change your password if you want, you can trust the Crone here la.

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I think I did it! :sweat: FINALLY!

Goup hug! :thanks:





Fair play to ye...clicked!!! :biggrin:

Now I'll share what I do with all who's new here,responsibility, at the Dragon Order, clicketh upon others wee eggs and hatchies, as thou wishes to be clicked upon.. :wink:

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Grand Maiden Goddess Dezi...Grand Crone Goddess Aeryn


Dragon Kinden...Little Fairy






Queen Tahri thanks you.


My child has found her home because of your astute nurturing. I feel at times, as fragile as the egg that caresses my loved one. To have such divine intervention in moments of need only reaffirms my place within the Order. Stay blessed. I have clicked your eggs, (Dragon Kinden has many children by the way) and will tend to the nursery as best I can.

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Grand Maiden Goddess Dezi...Grand Crone Goddess Aeryn


Dragon Kinden...Little Fairy






Queen Tahri thanks you.


My child has found her home because of your astute nurturing. I feel at times, as fragile as the egg that caresses my loved one. To have such divine intervention in moments of need only reaffirms my place within the Order. Stay blessed. I have clicked your eggs, (Dragon Kinden has many children by the way) and will tend to the nursery as best I can.



Céad míle fáilte, tis a common greeting in Ireland we have here la, 'specially here in West Cork...It means a hundred thousand welcomes, or your welcome a hundred thousand times..

Tis said from the heart wee one, sometimes we all feel as fragile as eggs, in life, no matter the age, for many reasons..the secret, is in the support we can find, in this slightly insane world around us..we all need it..la

You sound young, yet like a very very old soul..in the way you speak..that is a commpliment..precious, stay gold..la


Goddess Dezi and I created this place for those that need a corner to feel safe, also because we love dragons. For me they are more than just creatures of myth, They are an Ancient very real part of our culture and history here in Éire, they are the Wise Old Ones..

Depite this being a game, this dragon collecting, to a few of us, tis more than that, like me..I have 136 dragon babaes now, Eh well they are grown..la Like eh they are still all my wee ones..,of every possible dragon species, and colours, one can get here, except the Vine Dragon, ...Eh like to me they all dwell in a place beyond time and space..like Guardians now, that watch over me...eh I don't particularly care if others think thats a wee bit around the twist, what matters is what's in my soul and what I believe, and I say the same to you, for some reason for which I am not sure..I just flow...la


Queen Tahri, child of the Fey/Sidhe, feel safe and at home..again, Céad Míle Fáilte!!!!!!


All clicked!!!!!

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