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All clicked.

(It's as easy as that).

Aeryn's eggs are getting low. Just a heads up.


Getting low? So we go to her thread and click them? I followed Dimona's link and gave the little ones a hug. Is there anything else we can do? They have 2 days, and 17 hours left!


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All clicked.

(It's as easy as that).

Aeryn's eggs are getting low. Just a heads up.


Getting low? So we go to her thread and click them? I followed Dimona's link and gave the little ones a hug. Is there anything else we can do? They have 2 days, and 17 hours left!



Sorry not been here, but check my e-mail, when I can I have subscribed to this thread, and get at least what people say, when I briefly check my mail each day while I am going through this..Eh I can't sit here long..la


@. Azir Big Question.I am surprise at you really, why just annouce it, why did you not just put them in ER, la, you must see if your clickin' them, it says I am accepting help right now.., so why are you announcing it, just put them in Soti ER as I have done for you,and others, when I am here..many times.. :closedeyes:


Eh common sense.. Species is new here, explain to her how to do the ER thing, never mind ...Eh bloody'ell I'll explain to Species,she's new to all this, and wants to help, remember how that was, if she still doesn't understand, my explanation, walk her through it, how to put eggs or hatchies in Soti ER(Emergemcy Room) when under 3 DAYS..


.@Species...right click on egg, and or hatchie, click on proprieties, and it will show the eggs /hatchies, unique code.,there will be address and then for example Bp4k.gif, just highlight and copy the 4 digit or letter code only,thats all.. click on the Soti, ER link in my Sig, when there just, click on the left, add, then click on last ER button..and copy and paste the eggs/hatchies code..in the small box that appears...for each one the codes, 1 at a time, and enter....all under 3 days..need to go to ER..for they are at risk of dying..


Common mates, I am in allot of pain, and this is not clearing up as fast as I hoped, but thats life with Fibromyalgia, and Sciatica thats flared up right now.. keeping me laid low for now...it takes months of cortisone therapy to get out of this flare up so please be patient..

I shall return!!! You know I care..Just bear with my pain induced complaining today!!!


.Now its just the pain talking so please don't anyone take take it personal .you know I care about yous, I am just frusrated.... Eh after all the eggs I have saved here, common mates.....allittle help for the Crone..


EH BTW..never mind no worries I did it meself..


Eh however,I kindly ask please watch my hatchies when they do hatch, I do not know how long I will be laid up, but I am still part of this place, I am still the Crone Goddess and I am asking for a simple thing am I not, to just do for me, what I have done for you all..I'd appreciate it, its more than just clicking as we all know..Its ER when needed..

@Species, not your fault for not knowing how..now you do,la



all clicked also..

Edited by Aeryn333
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Awwww...they're so cute! We'll get these guys up and running in under a week! :thumbsup:

And for you dear Crone...you have my prayers. Don't worry, drink tea and get comfy under a big blanket! You'll feel better in no time. We'll tend to little ones! Don't worry!


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sweet love of mine,we're all trying to stay on top of this,unfortunately I am super busy at this time and I apologize if I cannot do more...we all try love, please try to understand



Dezi me love, I know your busy, know I do understand..you know me better than that m'dear..


It was more directed Azir's way, knowing better, to have simply put the eggs in ER and not just annouced they were low, wihch is why I came here and had to save them myself,..that did get under me craw a wee bit aye..la


Even you'd in the past here gotten a wee frustrated if it was you..eh la...Eh neither was anyone explaining to Species, when she asked is there more I can do, about the ER, I had to do that also, thats what frustrated me a wee bit.., was just given the link to my eggs..and no explain about,that they needed ER , being under 3 days, not clicks.and how to..obviously she did not know about it, or how to do that.. that I had to expain the how..also..Now you see where I am coming from..m'dear..


Eh its not I felt that that you were not trying hard enough, or not that I did not understand you..you Know I do undersatnd where you are Dez m'luv..

Azir at the moment no I do not undersatnd his action, he said, put accepting aide and he will do it, I did, and he did not, so that aye did get up my nose a wee bit.. ..It was a small thing, that could have taken Azir since he was here, a couple seconds to do..knowing how, and a quick explain to Species that clicking alone did not help ER eggs..


Its Ok sweetie no real harme no foul..I saved them myself, I was lucky I got that mail what would have happened if I did not..I am Irish you know we say withat we feel, and what's on our mind, and their is no blame or anger in me direct speaking..not at all..

Eh like I said not to take it personal was pain/frustartion talking, not blame m'luv..OK.. :wink:


Nor you Azir, we plain talk on my side of the pond, without anger or blame, its the Irish, OK, but next time this Irish Crone will put your arse in a sling boyo.. :wink:

Now that was Irish humour so take no offence it was harmless..as we say here, we only slag the ones we care about the most..;P


@Species( go raibh maith agat:(thank you very much) for the good vibes,cute they are, will do... :thumbsup:


all other wee ones available clicked..

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Actually, I didn't notice that you were now accepting aid. Sorry, my bad.

Wait, your side of the pond? As far as I'm aware we're both on the same side of the pond? :wacko:

Don't worry, no offence taken. And again, I'm sorry.

All clicked.

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