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The Order of the Dragon


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Actually, I didn't notice that you were now accepting aid. Sorry, my bad.

Wait, your side of the pond? As far as I'm aware we're both on the same side of the pond? :wacko:

Don't worry, no offence taken. And again, I'm sorry.

All clicked.



Ah no harme no foul, but are ye blindly clickin' boyho...it was there in writing, on my scoll..lol

Apology accepted, mate, thats right :wacko: where was my head, up me arse in pain no doubt....Pulls head out to get better view.. we are on the same side of the pond, then tis but across the small pond..la

Of course that's why no offence taken, we have much thicker skin on our side of the pond eh la..Spits on hand offers it for a shake mate..watches all the Americans get sick, at the thought..lolololollollol

Babaes cooing, with bottles, just remember these are Irish dragons and some Scots in there also., add wee 'spicy kick' to their bottles.. hmm do babae dragons coo I wonder..

Sooo...Queen Nurse Tahri gets diaper ..err shovel duty...you are so bad Dezi, wicked, ohh that's right I like wicked.. :whistling: see feeling a tad better today, but better not overdue, all clicked, with the shovel, adds wheelbarrow, to help make the job easier..*leaves wheelbarrow there and also runs away with sardonic snicker*

All wee ones clicked, which seems like only Azir and I have wee ones..has the fun gone out of collecting them all...la

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Oh no...they keep on pooing! Eeewwww...and why does Azir keep feeding his babies jelly beans? They make the poo all gooey... :sick: And Aeryn's dragons...oh boy. This trio keeps peeing all over the place! How much can dragons drink? And it's flammable! Geeze...(looks cautiously around for Dimona, then smiles) Assistant! (clap clap) Assume your Queen's duty and clean up this filth! Bring the babies back when they're all nice and clean! And hurry up before Dimona returns!

all clicked

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