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The Order of the Dragon


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Goddess Crone Aeryn welcomes the missed Maiden Goddess Dezi..and look at a cute grown pink one.is that a new egg I see also..


.My my had a long nap come back to find...Dragon Goth has three grownups..Somewhere in this thread I commented on your growths Dezi...I has a death of an egg, my duel coloured, an acquired a new one..she needs lots of clicks now, for all my hatchings and that egg are way behind schedule..Please click my hatchings, they have early teens clicks, which is not enough to grow, whereas the ones growing fast, have 20 to 30 clicks, please don't forget the Crone here also...as I clicky cliky others all the time..This is a plea for their little lives, I already had an egg die, please I don't want to lose my babaes so close to my birthday help them please..

Lets see Dragon Goth wow the two headed on grew up and two others congrats on that..Let me go on my clicking rounds this day, to see if any more I missed..


I will be back later to do it, not feeling well at all here, so need to lay down again, but I shall as always return, check in and click..


One more thing before I go for awhile, I see Grand Motlier Goddess Dani, protector Dragon grew up, seems fitting she has one of those..


Huggy Huggy Goddess Dezi and welcome back...

Edited by Aeryn333
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