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The Order of the Dragon


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just went through the past few pages and clicked on every egg and hatchling i could find. (although i might have missed a few)i don't want to see any more young dragons to die.and i hope no one else does either.
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I know what you mean, my eggs have 3, 3, 4 and 6 clicks. And a lot more views. Which leads me to think that the same 3, 3, 4 and 6 people (the good people) are clicking them.


I always backtrack to my last post, and click on all the Dragons I see (having 20 tabs open is a difficult thing to do).

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I know what you mean, my eggs have 3, 3, 4 and 6 clicks. And a lot more views. Which leads me to think that the same 3, 3, 4 and 6 people (the good people) are clicking them.


I always backtrack to my last post, and click on all the Dragons I see (having 20 tabs open is a difficult thing to do).



Aye true and good boyo..To back post 2 pages does not need 20 tabs..Now are you going to go back and read Red Sig warning about your Sig size and fix that..for you are it seems disregarding what I said then, as of import, and just repeated in my last spiel..you are that othjer person..for it effects us all if someone reports these dragons are doing it..Wasder did it corrected his....Your writing extends way beyond Sig limit..which potentially effects us all..Goddess I dislike being the one with the bad news, it will not get me liked around here, but somneone has to do the diffiuclt stuf,and whats a Crones job as I said...


I will give you your dimesions again and edit this post, in a second.. Yours is 610W by approx.. 322H..The limit is 450W by 300H. you could get a strike if the moderators catch you, and it could have ramifications for our dragons if they are to blame..Shrink and fit..especially your writing that goes way out, and your height means just shrink the height of yuour Sig just a wee bit to accommadate your eggs..

I have a program that deoes that in two seconds and even offered help then..Its for all our goods and especially yours..

Edited by Aeryn333
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Mother Goddess Dani greets you my children dragon-kin and true Wyrms.


Know that I have clicky on all eggs for second time this day. I will click on babaes before the night is done.


Please know I feel your grief for those that have passed...as I am a Mother in truth. Know also all dragons are reborn again so your friends will once more fly the skies.


My love to you all and to my Sister Goddesses. Listen well to Goddess or Mother Goddess will punish you.



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So sorry Aeryn, I will fix it as soon as I'm finished writing this.


EDIT: Is that better? If not then I'll just remove the pic.



Thanks I know it is a pain, I want to keep my precious Irish flag and just had to shrink it again, for my lil skywing hatchling, raised the height, but I made it smaller..For I care about us all..

Thanks for listening...


Thanks Mother Goddess for supporting the Crone when I have to do the hard thing..

Ohhhhhhhhh joy my duel has a hole yeah!!!!!

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So sorry Aeryn, I will fix it as soon as I'm finished writing this.


EDIT: Is that better? If not then I'll just remove the pic.



Does this help as a judgement factor..Click to enlarge..to see exact..

Better in width, aye.. I know its hard..I had to remove one of my favourite quotes and leave just two..the moderators make the rules, we Goddesses can just try to make sure no-one gets strikes out of care..and to protect the Orders dragons..So the Sig either must shrink in height is the thing..or the qoute..


My advice..get IrfranView, its a free program, and you can shrink Sig image in size instantly, to specs..

make it longer then reduce height..

When those eggs hatch and grow you will be out of limits again..

You see you have more room in width now..


See what a litlle finagling can do..


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