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The Order of the Dragon


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I just did a round of clicking on my dragon babes for all! I have 2 new hatchlings and an egg, dont foget them!


I love my new white one and it does look like Ruth doesnt it XanAlderon?


Kisses from Mother Goddess to all!

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Back from hosptial, but am ordered bed rest few more days.

PLEASE click my eggs, my precious BD silver and the holed white, do not have enoughr repeat clicks, to preceed..My other white has only 7 clicks since I been gone...a new pink sits there also..to be cared for..


So while I try to rest and no stress as DR says, please my hatchling silver and my three eggs, need more repeat views, many more, or they will get sick, and lets not think about that..especiazlly my rare birthday silver.....They are way behind schedule..so do this for the Crone Goddess will yous..OK...

Hi Maiden, I entrust them to your care, fro your here most..the silver and holed white needs many many more views, repeat clicks, or they will get sick..click directly on them not my scroll..thanks!!


Just worried about my silver and whites...and of course my new pink..I see my Water grew up while I was away..Thats good..Another male, I desperately need females put some feminine energy Mojo in those clicks, Mother and Maiden will you..

See you soon need to go lie down..

Congrats all, on everything that happened while I was away, except for the needless deaths.


Please take care of my babies and raise their repeat views soon, with repeat clicks, lots of them they need right now..so my silver and whites do not get sick..they are important to me those three...my silver especially, more repeat clicks, views..PLease!!!!!


Got to go...hugs to all...I'll be back when I am able too..love ya Goddesses ...

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Please do watch Aeryns. SHe is more worried of them than she says. And she is very sick so let us show her the love we have for her please!


So says Mother Goddess.

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