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The Order of the Dragon


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Did a round of clicks. I have a job interview in the morning 1030 so wish me luck.



I had to come and wish you Luck Mother Goddess, hugs, and good vibes, love to all, and their babaes, I will click those close to me while I am here, clicky mine also please!!!! I am worried about my silver and whites.. slow growth..and of course pink, and my new hatchling duel..


Hugs and Kisses Dezi m'dear..Gotta go.....


Ok I clicky all on previous page, got yourself a few German eggs eh Arch mage....I couldn't pronounce them if I tried..they look Deutsche, anyway.. now must lay down, take care all, and take care of my wee ones...for me till I am on my feet again.. :wink:

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