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Sorry I havent been around today guys. Just tried clicking and it is timing out on me. So I will try again as soon as possible. I am happy to see I have new babies that need names!


Love to all.

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Dezi, did it unfog itself..Well then that was a site glitch indeed..But usually I was told fogged abandoned eggs are usually, sick jokes, you got lucky it was just a site glitch that fixed itself..

Later glad it worked out, clicked on the wee one..Ok need to go..

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whats a fogged egg??



The offical term for hide, its in actions..

Got a new orange now, don't forget to click her, and I clicky all before I go take me nap...

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Morning rounds complete:I noticed many eggs with very low click count.Obviously members are not following through on the responsability of clicking.even once a day is enough I saw eggs with 3 clicks and are numbers are close to 15 I am pointing no fingers for "we" all share responsability to each others eggs and young
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Morning rounds complete:I noticed many eggs with very low click count.Obviously members are not following through on the responsability of clicking.even once a day is enough I saw eggs with 3 clicks and are numbers are close to 15 I am pointing no fingers for "we" all share responsability to each others eggs and young

I must admit I don't click as much as I probably should. Thanks for the kick up the arse!

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I never really looked at the number of views of other peoples Dragons before, but I do (normally) click their eggs and hatchlings.


PS. Wow dezi, your Mint Dragon, Zuba, had over 100 views.

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I believe I have clicked on everyone. Does anybody know how long it takes to update the click count? I swear sometimes it doesnt register some of them.



I need to name my new babies.

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I believe I have clicked on everyone. Does anybody know how long it takes to update the click count? I swear sometimes it doesnt register some of them.



I need to name my new babies.



Once more I will put this here..This is copied and pasted from the Dragon Forum page Mother Goddess


Views: Every time the image of the egg is loaded a view is added.

Unique Views: Similar to views, but only one unique view is registered per IP.

Clicks: Only one click is registered per IP, they are registered when someone views your egg's page.


The only amount of clicks we can get from those regulars here is one click apiece it is why I have encouraged each member to click each egg at least ionce..Its our repeat clicks, that create views, it is the view amount that goes up and this is what progresses the dragons through their growth stages, and why repeat clicks, are needed..But its also why its important for each member to click all the dragons here just once at least, and repeat when they can.. If all the members here clicked, 12 to 15 clicks is enough as long as the repeat clicks, raise the view numbers..


Is the Crone Goddesses heard now...No offence, but I oft have wondered if what we write here is read at tiems..Not you, I refer to all members that just want day care, it seems but do not click..


The Goddesses, I know we all, click everyones eggs, these repeat views, will make growth...Even being sick, I come here and click..


But the click count alone is not whats important Mother Goddess for one click per person is recorded, our repeat clicks raise view count, and that is what is important ..yet at the same time, I for one see some of my eggs with 3 or 4 clicks, and I know only 3 or 4 members have clicked, and it will stay that way, until new people click..That is the way this works..

if you do not beelive me go read here..



Is it clear to all now.. :confused:


~Grand Crone Goddess Aeryn~

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