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Auto closing door script


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Ah yes of course :thumbsup:

What you are saying is, that I should just make a trigger around the door, that detects when I go through and then closes it behind me.

But still keep the button to open it in the first place, am I getting that right? :D

Edited by Rumpiraten
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Guest Messenjah

Yep. If you still want to have the option to close the door with the button manually... you can also use your first script. :)


Hopefully I wrote that correctly :P

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Hehe I hit a bit of snag again... :D


I was hoping to use the new hideout together with Slavery Simple and Expanded.

But the slaves aren't following the player close enough, so finding the right trigger box size that wouldn't slam the door in their faces, proved a bit tricky since I'm working with some pretty tight spaces :D

Long story short, I'm back to using the script by Xaranth I posted on the previous page, but with an increased fTick value to keep the door open for longer :)


But now that I think about it, I guess it would be possible to modify your trigger script, to just keep the door open if there's anyone in the trigger zone right? :)



Its up :dance:


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Guest Messenjah

I'm confused. What exactly is the door for? Are you trying to take the slaves into an area where you are capturing them?



Either extend your box into the room... or set an additional timer. :)

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The main purpose of the door, is just to separate the slave area from the control room and private quarters.

...also, hidden doors are way awesome lol ;D


But I still have to move the slaves through it, and since space is a little cramped, I quickly wound up with a trigger box taking up, pretty much all of the hallway.

Its mostly because the slaves don't follow the player close enough, especially if I got more than one following me.


What would your trigger script look like, If I had to add an NPC-OnTrigger-Keep-The-Door-Open kinda thing, that kept the door open in case someone is in the trigger zone? :)

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Guest Messenjah

Hey, I will try and get back to this in a couple of days. If I don't message me to remind me of what is going on. I have finales coming up and I'm doing some extra credit, but I WILL get back to you on this. :)


In the mean time, read up on the GECK wiki. Here you can read about everything you need to know and is where every modder should start reading right away if you will be needing any scripts, which you need for any sort-of level that has quests ecs.


What you need to read about is GetSecondsPassed


Also, this website will help you to look for problems in your script, since the New Vegas Geck lacks that feature. :(

http://www.cipscis.com/fallout/utilities/validator.aspx <---- this guy also wrote a tutorial on staged timers... which is what you will need to do in effect to get this working.


The GECK wiki is my bible for Fallout and this guys page is my swiss-army knife for scripting NV. :)


If we don't have this working by the 21'st I might have you send me the file and I'll do a video tutorial on the project so that it can help others if you would like. :)

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  • 2 years later...

Hi I just started learning to use scripts and I was wondering if anyone could expand on this topic. I want to use that event trigger as stated by

Quetzlsacatanango >>

Begin OnTriggerEnter Player
doorref.setopenstate 1

Begin OnTriggerLeave Player
dorrref.setopenstate 0
But I have no clue as to how to use that script as it was meant to be an outline and not an exact script. If someone could please put that into an actual working script so I can use it in my vault with all my sliding doors I would be very appreciative!! ;)

All I want it to do is open the sliding door (VDoorSliding02) when I step into the trigger and close when I leave the trigger... I will have 9 doors I want to use this trigger on. I can set a trigger for each door if that is the only way to do it.

Thanks for any help! XD

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