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Using multiple d3d9.dll files


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EDIT/UPDATE: Turns out I was never using ENB or RCRN because my d3d9.dll was the one from Hialgo which didnt have RCRN dll referenced. I am 101% sure my machine cant handle all three so I am no longer looking for a solution to this issue. I am quite happy with Hialgo + RCRN. If the Mods prefer to have this thread closed, please do so.


-------------------------ORIGINAL POST-----------------------------------


I am using the following mods/file packages to enhance my performance + visual effects.


1. Hialgo

2. ENB



Now the main d3d9.dll is the one supplied by Hialgo. I am using 'A Realistic Hope ENB'. Now in the enbseries config file, I have added the following lines to include the RCRN dll:






My question is, I havent included the ENB dll from the enb dev website. So is it still displaying the ENB graphics correctly? I know the next question would be - are the graphics better? Yes its better, but I am not sure if its because of the other texture mods. Its nothing like the screenshots on the mod page (but I have a low-mid range laptop, so I can't expect those sort of graphics). Anyway, should I download the d3d9.dll file from enb dev site, and then rename hialgo's dll and add another proxylibrary to the enbseries config file? Will it read 2 d3d9 dlls?


Sorry if its a stupid question. New to modding and I did extensive google search but they all kept on pointing towards only how to use 2 dlls not 3.



Edited by septeracore
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Just FYI, and also for other peoples benefit:


If you wanted to run ENB at some point in time then you can do so, but just use the Injector version as it doesn't use a d3d9.dll file, it has a enbseries.dll file instead - so it won't conflict with HiAlgo and / or RCRN.

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