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Will my laptop run Skyrim? Thanks :)


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It should run about the same level as a 360. You are being a little handicapped by your CPU so expect to lag when lots of characters around. This means don't install mods like ASIS, Warzones, Monster Wars, or anything that will increase spawn rates.


I would recommend Notebookcheck.net for questions regarding your GPU http://www.notebookcheck.net/AMD-Radeon-HD-7670M.69483.0.html

The website says you should be able to run it on medium settings at mid 30's, so yes it will run a little better than an xbox but you won't be doing 8x AA at 1080p with a super quality ENB.


Also avoid mods that overhaul the plant life of Skyrim, as they will add a lot more vegetation which will also bog down your computer.


Feel free to PM me if you have further questions.

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I been playing Skyrim on my laptop, it works, it does lag like Xescream said. I have to play on low quality and still have bad lag. My pc speces - Acer Aspire, 136 GB Hard Drive with 3.2 GB left, 3 gigs of DDR2 ram, and a AMD Anthlon processor. Not the best computer to play Skyrim on, but still beats consoles. If you have good enough specs - i-7 processor, round 8 GB of DDR3 ram, you should run pretty good.
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Well Dart, the primary factor in how the game runs is the GPU (Graphics processing unit), so unless you have a good GPU the game will run very poorly. Also, Dart, clean your hard drive! It is recommended to keep your hard drive no more than 75% full. Buy a cheap thumb drive and back up some data to that. Angus, if you keep programs from running in the background, you should run the game at a good 45 FPS on low.
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Don't got much choice for the hard drive. Between modding Skyrim and Fallout 3, and my online collage classes which require me to have certain programs my hard dive stays full. I have a 8 gig thumb drive to back up my data, it's all the programs I have installed. Blender, Nifskope, RealPlayer, Fallout3, Skyrim, Photoshop, Illistrator, InDesign, Prelude, Addition, Bridge, GIMP2, GECK, Creation Kit, plus various computer cleaning programs and anti virus. Most programs I use daily. I never heard of GPU, how do you check that, I have a meter on my desktop for CPU, but that's it.


CPU is my biggest problem, most the time it is past 100%, normally around 150%

Edited by Dart98Rock
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Laptops tend to get hot also be sure you have plenty of space around it - don't set it on your bed as that blocks the air channels - Do get a stand that elevates it for better heat dissipation - and keep the fan clear of dust. :thumbsup:
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