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texture, mesh issues.


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I have been fiddling a lot lately with mods added, removed and so on.

I have used NMM so I would get as little residues left as possible.

But it seems I have some texture problems well they aren't that good at least.

Sure the water, sky and such looks quite good or very good.

But trees, bushes and similar items just look icky real close to 2demensional no real depth.

And they won't get shadows until I'm real close.

Shadows are quite blocky and not very good looking over all.


Here is a link to show what I experience for the most part.




I run skse, skyrim borderless window I don't use the ENB as I had massive issues with water when I ran it. When swimming all

I saw was a dark green mass, with no directions as of where was up or down. Result=drowning, only way out of it was console, tcl.


If some kind soul would like to enlighten me on how to get a more over all better looking game and point out flaws

and mistakes I would be quite happy.



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Ok so I have a couple of possible fixes (no guarantees on anything lol)


1. Texture Pack Combiner: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/20801

This nifty little tool takes the 3 best texture packs (and tons of optionals that I highly recommend) and combines them for you so you get the best from each mod without lots of overwrites, that could possibly fix the issues your having texture wise.

2. Skyrim Flora Overhaul: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/141

I think this one may be in the combiner (not 100% sure) but if its just plants this one may help

3. Lush Trees: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/3385

This one should fix the tree textures

4. If all else fails, delete the data folder, reverify through steam (this will redownload all the orginal files and kill the residual changes) and reinstall the mods you do want


As for the ENB, try the 0.119 version as it should fix the water issues. Also see if you have green water fix installed (for some reason, for me at least, nmm said it uninstalled but left it active) if it is there get rid of it because its causing the issue, if its not, get it and it will fix the issue. Here is the link: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/14007


Also check out Guide to ENB Series mods: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/8005

That will help you get the ENBseries.ini set up for maximum performance, explain what each ini tweak does so you can customize and hopefully help you figure out future ENB problems.

Lastly, if your on an ATI card (as I am) you may have a few minor hiccups with ENB's. Borris has fixed most of the ATI problems in the last few versions though.

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Cheers, will check it out. Much appreciated indeed. :=)


Yups, I'm on an Ati card one of the 57 series. Forgot exactly which version, but have been able to handle

most of what I throw at it so far. So can't say it's a bad one.


In the process of re-downloading skyrim and getting all the assets needed by the texture pack combiner.

Edited by Zorkel
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