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Script Help (leveled list injection)


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Hello everyone,


I recently updated Simple Coffee and thought that the issue with vendor items not respawning was fixed, but I was somewhat mistaken. There have been multiple attempts with different scripts to fix this. The current script that I am using is below. It's connected to a "forced" reference alias inside of a quest that is pointed towards a vendor's aspiration container. I've experienced vendors having the items that I'd like and some not having any at all. However, the issue with respawning was fixed for the vendors that had the items. Not sure if it has to do with the leveled lists that I'm injecting or possibly the reference it's being placed into. Anyways, I appreciate any help or advice that you guys have to offer.


Thank You,


Scriptname SC_AddLeveledListScript extends ReferenceAlias

LeveledItem Property LLD_Vendor_Custom_List Auto

Auto State startState
	Event OnLoad()

Function InjectLeveledList()
	GetReference().AddItem(LLD_Vendor_Custom_List, 1, 1)

Edited by Plarux
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