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Don't know if I can do it anymore...


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This just sounds like general computer maintenance. Methinks that your hard drive ain't fully plugged in, and/or your RAM needs to be reseated.


Take out yer RAM, put it back in, making sure that you hear a clicking sound on each end.

Unplug your HDD's Sata/IDE connector and power connectors. Plug them back in, pushing them afterward to ensure they are firmly in place.


Mayhaps you should de-fragment as well. Gamebryo has this weird 'failsafe' that whenever something isn't fully loaded (whatever that means. Documentation on the engine isn't very technical), and it gets referenced, it freezes/crashes/CTDs.


Make sure you haven't got any outdated SKSE plugins. I found that I was crashing all the time with no indication as to what the problem was, as I had the newest SkyUI skse .dll's alongside the .dll's from the first version. Removed the old .dll, crashing stopped.


You could also have a slow hard drive.



Also, when you press ctrl+alt+delete, do you just get task manager, or do you get a menu? If you get task manager, change it so that you get the menu. I've managed to escape many hard-resets by getting task manager through: Ctrl+alt+delete -> Menu -> Task manager, then ending the offending game.

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"You could also have a slow hard drive."


this could be true,

after getting a 256gb SSD not a single f#$K was given when loading skyrim,


lol it'd make a good meme, first world problems...my SSD makes skyrim load so fast i cant read the info on the loading screens anymore (cry)


"but was pretty reckless with my mods"

i keep a change log in word doc of what i do to my game/mods, any little change or mod update i write it down, and ive played about 5 chars now so i have a pretty good idea of what mods cause trouble and what mods are stable, heavy script mods almost always cause trouble, texture/armor/weapon ones almost never,

Edited by noae86
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Mostly caused by chopping mods in and out. Adding and removing things so when the game looks for something and it's no longer there it will crash. Try to start fresh with everything you need.


Personally I won't even use someone else's level 1 save mod because of mods they may have had installed on their machines when this was created.It's just going to bite me in the ass 40 hours later.

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I modded Oblivion, Fallout 3, New Vegas and now Skyrim.


In Oblivion, at the height of my modding, I was happy when I could play an hour before getting CTD


In Fallout 3 pretty much the same


In New Vegas it was random, sometimes 10 minutes sometimes 10 hours


In Skyrim it happens now and then but more bearable. Right now what bugs me most in Skyrim is a Neck Seam issue I just cant get rid of (and I tried many mods and tweaks and blabla for hours on end)


All in all.....I spent way more time modding and troubleshooting my modding with these games then playing them and I love it :) Yes it is damn frustrating but also very rewarding (hooray I managed to run Oblivion for 64 Minutes and 32 Seconds after tweaking for 2 days...I am so happy) In fact that is what people would call a lunacy :)


What I am trying to say, modding aint supposed to be stable, it is not meant to be easy it is a great way to customize a game and make something unique, a gaming experience that is nowhere else the same (even if you use the same mods as someone else, your game might still not be the same). Modding is like Model Aircraft building, most of your time will be spent on building and repairing while the actual time you are actually flying this thing may in fact be a fracture of the time you spent in total. When you find yourself having most fun while "building and repairing'' than you´ve got yourself a hobby.


Back to your initial problem. I really would consider the Hardware if I were you. After what you did there is a slight chance that something in your rig disturbs the "harmony". It may well be RAM or HD or even Graphicscard or Processor. Really no way of telling right now but try system checking tools to check your Hardware for errors or other "anomalities" you might get lucky.


If all this is to much hassle for you...well you might consider giving up modding altogether...sad but if you dont have fun on the way to somewhere then maybe the goal isnt worth taking the way in first place.

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