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When Fallout 76 going to have a single player mode ?


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Hello from Greece.

i never play multiplayer games, because cyber-bulling is the number one danger at internet: When a character of the game attack another character, attack a real person and not a 3d character. When we understand that, we figure how much, good or bad is life, today.



i buy Fallout 76, when this game is going to have a single player mode, like my favorite game, Fallout 4.

i buy it, when this game is updated at dvd disk, so i don't have to wait for a 60GB download update file !!!!


When Bethesda understand, how important is to sell updated games, then they going to have more and more customers.


i never play Fallout 76, and i know about it only from youtube videos.


---- After Fallout 4, i wait for a really Fallout 5, and not this game with problems and no single player mode ----


Well this is my opinion.

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This will never be a single player game. it's basically based on gta online and red dead redemption online. money milker, since ppl, for some odd reason, will pay billions to get ahead in a game. As long as ppl stay that stupid, it will only get worse.

What he said. It may be likely that Fallout 4 will be the last single player game in the franchise that will the Elder Scrolls as well. Sad, really.



The Rabbit

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