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Invisible wrists?


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What happened to my wrists?




I've this problem for some time but ignored it to date because I thought it was just one of those glitches that goes away after waiting a while or at worst requires a reload. This however is not the case. I'll be honest that I use a fair few mods but I'm not sure how any of them would affect this. I've literally scoured the internet in a hope of finding a fix for this but only found two things. 1.) A fair few videos .."LOL LOOK AT THIS GLITCH IT'S FUNNY YEAH?" ..Sure for a few seconds but rips a gaping hole in my immersion. Aaand 2.) A fix that was related to a specific mod that required a fairly adept knowledge of modding of which I have none :|


Now it seems to only affect vanilla Gloves "000261C1" Really reaching out for some help here guys. This is like that picture in the room that's off center.

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Disable the mods one by one, loading back into the game each time to check. Eventually, if the problem is caused by a mod, the culprit should be identified.
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