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Player home


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I'm looking for a player home near New Vegas (preferably in Freeside) that is just a regular home. I don't want a cheat home, a home with stupid amounts of neatly lined up boxes for storage, nor overly big. I can't seem to find any that fit that criteria and was wondering if anyone knows of one.

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What more do you need?


It's not what I need (I'd make my own), it's what *you* need for a player home. You must have some requirements or you could just use one of the multitudes of abandoned homes in FONV. I mean if your a real estate agent and someone says they want a home, you might have some questions to narrow things down a bit, like where do you want to live, how many bedrooms, bath etc.


Do you want a reloading bench, a workbench, storage containers? Do you want to live in New Vegas, the wastelands, a town.


I mean really this is pretty straightforward stuff. The more detailed you are, the easier it is for members to see if an existing location fits the bill, or alternately to create a custom home for you. I'v fulfilled well north of a 100 requests (might even be double that), but I'm not into the guessing game. The clearer and more detailed you can express yourself, the better the chances are that someone can help you.


If you just looking for official vanilla game houses, the wiki has a list.

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What I need is a player home in Freeside that is like a simple apartment or smallish house with basic amenities. Nothing over the top and stupid huge like a lot of player home mods. I don't want it to be sterile either, still needs to look a lil run down, it is Freeside after all. Upgrades would be nice as well (like having to buy the workbenches) but I can live without.
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What I need is a player home in Freeside that is like a simple apartment or smallish house with basic amenities.


OK that's a good start. Can you do me a solid and scout around a bit (I'm working on various mods so free time is in short supply and you know best what your looking for) to find a building you want your new home to be in (maybe snap a screen shot of it)? Then maybe find an interior in it or somewhere else that is kind of close to what your looking for? Then we can tweak it however you want.

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Been thinking about it and I would like a modified version of the Mick & Ralph's building placed next to the alley where you get "lured into a trap" by a Freeside thug.

Looks good, I'll remove the board from the door.


Next we need an interior space to clone and we'll have the foundation/bare bones done (then we can start adding the "good stuff", ie customizing it). So grab a location that is as close to your vision as your able to find.

Then you can start listing what you want in it, and if you want a theme or style.


I put together a little apartment house in hoover dam for a player that wanted a NCR theme. As an example I made him a mounted yao guai head (and other critters) and other NCR paraphernalia all on the wall (maximize space). I made a mini workbench/reloading bench (both on one small bench, but depending on whether you clicked on the vice or the reloading press determined what popped up), and made the couch a bed marker so you could sleep on it. All ways to maximize a small area.

You may not want to go that compact, or have that overt of a faction theme, but I'm just throwing out some examples as a starting point.

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Next we need an interior space to clone and we'll have the foundation/bare bones done (then we can start adding the "good stuff", ie customizing it). So grab a location that is as close to your vision as your able to find.

Mick & Ralphs place



Then you can start listing what you want in it, and if you want a theme or style.

NCR Civilian style would be preferred.



and made the couch a bed marker

A couch as a bed option along with a normal bed would be neat :D


I think instead of a laundromat like Mick & Ralphs though it should be like a former pawnshop or market downstairs with an upstairs apartment.

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