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Weird random issues


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I wasn't sure whether I posted this in the right place, so there is an identical topic in the Mod Troubleshooting section. Moderators, delete the misplaced one if it is so.


All of these behaviors/occurrences are rare, but they still happen randomly in my game. They don't always apply to the same objects/NPCs.

  • Sometimes killed NPCs fall through the floor. Even when I disable collision via console, they aren't there (beneath). Often it's impossible to loot them because of that, unless their weapon is left on the ground.
  • Some items in the world aren't positioned correctly (e.g. an item half-sunken through the shelf) or they just float weirdly. Sometimes items fall through the ground entirely.
  • Sometimes my arrows don't hit an NPC, even though the aiming was perfect and I saw the arrow go right through them. This usually occurs at medium to long distance. It's bloody annoying.
  • NPCs get stuck, messed-up pathfinding. Examples:

- I follow Hadvar to Riverwood, he runs into the village and then runs back to the front of the entrance and just stands there. He never gets to talk to Alvor because of that. After leaving the village, he disappears.

- Hulda getting stuck at the counter when I rent a room at The Bannered Mare. After a while, she may reach the room eventually - or just pop-in on top of the bed upstairs.

  • The ground seems to be super-slick. If there is a slope, people will start slowly sliding. This is especially prominent during conversations with the player. NPCs/followers/creatures are more prone to sliding than the player.
  • There's a lag in followers' reactions to quests.


I don't know what issues my game could have to cause these behaviors. If you have an idea, please let me know. I'll be happy to provide more info on my game settings and specific mods.

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1) Killed NPCs - they often used to fall off into inaccessible places, but recently they seem to leave their weapon behind all the time, so maybe one of the general fixes has dealt with it.

2) Items positioned incorrectly - in a game this size and with so many mods this is to be expected occasionally. I had one character who found bandits walking around with no clothes and, worse, no heads, so I abandoned that save.

3) arrows - never had that.

4) NPCs stuck etc - what else do you have going on in Riverwood? (Rigmor, for example). I have had Hadvar confused by a random attack from bandits across the river while approaching Riverwood. I had to speak to Alvor without him. In many starts this has only happened once.

I don't think I have ever rented a room at the Bannered Mare. Why would you, when you can stay free at somewhere more comfortable like Elysium?

Sliding - I have more trouble with followers banging into me when I'm trying to do something. As for the time lag - is this more with mods than vanilla, is it worse outside than inside, is it longer if you have not recently saved, how many cells have you just crossed? In other words, how busy has your system been?

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