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Help with creating edgeblood mesh.


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What I would like you to do is pack everything into a zip file exactly as you have it in your Skyrim Data folder, so create a new folder and name it whatever your calling your dagger, inside create the paths setup you have in your Skyrim Data folder and copy and paste your files there.


Its going to look something like this:

Chaosvine Dagger (Whatever you're calling the dagger.) -

Data -

dagger.esp (if you made one)

Meshes/Weapons/Chaosvine Dagger - copy your 1stpersondagger and dagger nifs here

Textures/Weapons/Chaosvine Dagger - copy your textures here



I'll load that into my Skyrim Data folder and have a look as whats going on in Skyrim, see if it crashes my game and look over both your 1stpersondagger and dagger nifs in NifSkope.



In Blender the blood layer looks good from all angles? I'm not familiar with Blender at all beyond knowing its user interface was very confusing the few times I played around in it.

Edited by Jennifur68
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What I would like you to do is pack everything into a zip file exactly as you have it in your Skyrim Data folder, so create a new folder and name it whatever your calling your dagger, inside create the paths setup you have in your Skyrim Data folder and copy and paste your files there.


Its going to look something like this:

Chaosvine Dagger (Whatever you're calling the dagger.) -

Data -

dagger.esp (if you made one)

Meshes/Weapons/Chaosvine Dagger - copy your 1stpersondagger and dagger nifs here

Textures/Weapons/Chaosvine Dagger - copy your textures here



I'll load that into my Skyrim Data folder and have a look as whats going on in Skyrim, see if it crashes my game and look over both your 1stpersondagger and dagger nifs in NifSkope.



In Blender the blood layer looks good from all angles? I'm not familiar with Blender at all beyond knowing its user interface was very confusing the few times I played around in it.


One thing I hadn't considered is that I'm using the same model for both the 1stperson and regular dagger. Does that matter? What is supposed to be the difference between the two?


I will arrange the appropriate files and upload them as soon as I get a chance.

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Not having the 1stperson dagger is probably the root of the crashes. Try transfering your dagger to the first person dagger you based your dagger on and see if the crashes clear up once you've changed the first person model in the creation kit forms. Skyrim is likely looking for the first person dagger, not finding it and crashing.


I would assume Skyrim is behaves in a similar manner to the way Second Life works with weapons...for Second Life I have to created a sheathed verson of a sword and one to be hand held without the scabbard. When I wear both the sheathed model its worn on my hip, the hand held sword is worn in the hand but hidden by scripts, using the draw command causes the scripts to hide the handle of the sheathed weapon and unhide the hand held sword. Each is attached to a differend attatchment point on the avatar. Based on watching the Skyrim character drawing a weapon I'd say its a very similar mechanism at work. In Skyrim my guess is the weapon is worn and being placed on both the hip or back and hand attachment points with the hand model hidden or attached to the hand when you draw the weapon and you're missing one of the models.

Edited by Jennifur68
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You can use one .nif, same model for the weapon...works fine as long as your CK forms point to it (CK: one path is in the 1stperson form and 2 paths are in the weapon's form)

Normally 1stpersonNAME.nif is used for the player and NAME.nif is used for NPCs and followers - sometimes these files differ in size or position, but most of the time it's quite the same file - i just uploaded a dagger mod with only one .nif, doing that for months now and it works fine.

Edited by ghosu
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Yeah the CK crashes too. It's something actually wrong with the nif settings under blood effects. I can't figure out what wrong...


I've even tried remaking the mesh for the blood effects several times, still crashes.


Here is the updated files for the dagger (which I haven't named yet), if anyone could take a look and tell me what is wrong I would be extremely appreciative:


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It turns out that I had my BSEffectShaderProperty and NiAlphaProperty ordered backwards. Turns out BSeffectShaderProperty must go first or it causes a CTD in both the game and CK.


Thanks for all those who helped me! I gave kudos. :)

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YAY problem solved. ^^ I downloaded it earlier and got it into the Creation Kit where it immediately crashed it on trying to load the model....but I didn't have time to look into the .nif in detail then. Glad to hear you got it working...now just remember what you did that worked so you don't repeat the problems of this one. ;) I know it took me making probably 3-4 weapons before I got into a groove and could do it without referencing the videos. One of these times you'll just remember what to do and breeze through NifSkope with no issues at all.
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YAY problem solved. ^^ I downloaded it earlier and got it into the Creation Kit where it immediately crashed it on trying to load the model....but I didn't have time to look into the .nif in detail then. Glad to hear you got it working...now just remember what you did that worked so you don't repeat the problems of this one. ;) I know it took me making probably 3-4 weapons before I got into a groove and could do it without referencing the videos. One of these times you'll just remember what to do and breeze through NifSkope with no issues at all.


Yes that's my hope, I want to go into graphic arts so this is good learning for me.


Now my next problem is the collision. I made a new thread about it.

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