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In need of a small script.


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Hi Most of the time im in 2278, but I was hoping since I can't seem to be a scripter if someone could write a script or mod to be able to resurrect actors you have killed in game. If you are experienced with scripting or what needs to be done, could you tell me if it would be simple for you to do?

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This could be trivial to super complex depending on the specifics. Qualify:


(1) Human actors, humanoid actors, creature actors, any type.


(2) Unique actors, Named actors, Companion actors, Quest actors, Placed actors, Spawned actors, any type


(3) Killed by player = one hit, percentage of health, the last hit.


(4) Killed before the solution is active, only those killed after the solution is active.


(5) Resurrect only in the player active uGrids, anywhere at all.


Running a script that stores all unique actors the player has landed a hit on, or landed the killing hit, stashing them in a collection alias so they are held persistent to avoid corpse removal and deletion and then restoring them on command is trivial. Quest associations and dialogue state is likely to be trashed though.

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1. Open the console

2. Click on the actor

3. Type "Resurrect" and hit enter


They may need to find the actor ID if the body is gone. I saw an actor list somewhere but the location escapes me. I believe it was a place at me command of some kind.

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