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Blurry/"Flat" Textures


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Clean Installation (fully deleted Skyrim folder in Documents, deleted Skyrim folder from steamapps, reinstalled) <includes Official High-res Texture Pack>

SkyrimPrefs and Skyrim ini files at default settings, launcher automatically set everything to Ultra High.

Latest Skyrim version, no DLC.


PC specs:

HD6970 with Catalyst version 12.11 (beta) (though the following issue applied to 12.10 as well),

i7 950 (stock speeds)

Windows 7 x64-bit

Monitor is a Samsung SA700@120hz (doubt it would matter, but I thought I'd mention it anyway) Resolution 1920x1080


As for the problem, all textures have taken on a "flat" or "blurry" look, examples:

Notice the muddy look of the logo, preeeetty sure it isn't meant to look like that :(





Same issue with the back of the armor.





The environmental features are also affected, pretty much all textures appear to be affected.




Edited by Sanctuary2808
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Have you reinstalled any mods at all? Verified the integrity of the cache through steam just in case? It just seems very odd that a clean install would do that, I could understand if you had just uninstalled something or added a new mod etc but a fresh download? Are you forcing anything like AA or Anisotropic etc through catalyst at a different value than skyrim? That can sometimes cause...issues...Other than that I am fairly stumped. Did you compress any textures or add/remove any textures?
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Everything is set to "Use Application Settings" in CCC. No mods are installed, haven't messed with the .bsa's either. Verified Cache just before posting this reply, still nothing :(


Edit: Last time I even played Skyrim (before 1.7 at least), it was perfectly fine. Every other game runs perfectly fine, so it shouldn't be a hardware issue.

Edited by Sanctuary2808
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Everything is set to "Use Application Settings" in CCC. No mods are installed, haven't messed with the .bsa's either. Verified Cache just before posting this reply, still nothing :(


Edit: Last time I even played Skyrim (before 1.7 at least), it was perfectly fine. Every other game runs perfectly fine, so it shouldn't be a hardware issue.


Ok, so it cant be mods because you have none, it doesnt sound like hardware since other games are running fine and catalyst isnt forcing settings so it must be a software issue. I hate to suggest this as I know what a pain it is but have you tried redeleting your skyrim folders completely in steam and my games to see if maybe something downloaded funny? I wish I could offer a better a solution but if you have no mods, no hardware issues, and reverifiying isnt helping thats the only thing I can think of left to try:P

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