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AryanGeneral - BANNED

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AryanGeneral banned.





User posted...


what a waste of human breath you are... soooo much cringe and crying over one mod amongst a see of flirt mods , that contradicts your world of secular, whoremongering, pedophilia and you blow up like that...


please kill yourself, think of all the people that can be fed when you and your xenophobic kind do not waste provisions anymore... think of all the actually useful animals that can feed on your worthless flesh... at least be good for something in death...


my opinion tho, dont go blowing up in cringe and accidentally f*** your own mother... i know with you pedophile westerners accidents like that are common :)))



i am indeed Iranian and True Aryan... not a Goat-f***ing Suebic/Samnite Barbarian who "imagines" themselves to be form a noble heritage that is Aryan !


Respecting all religions and having a place for people of all faiths and stripes had always been our way the way of my Zoroasterian Ancestors and will always be our Legacy !!!


while the worthless Druidic, Paganic, Black magic practitioner, Goat f***ing, Barbarian Ancestors of Europeans and Americans, can NEVER have any better off spring than the f***ing Racist, Xenophobic, Pedophiles that inhabit in Europe in their dirty Cities of Foul and Sexualized atmosphere !!!


that is the Legacy of the Nomadic West... it turns out being from a Lowly, nomadic Ancestory DOES make you a stupid, Foul animal who hates everybody who does not Stink like them and do no practice their Stupid, Foul ways of life !!!


is there even Men in europe anymore ??? i thought most of you are either transgenders, or Drag Queens... HAHA what a foul, Pedophile society west has become... the Greats of Religion were indeed correct to predict the Self Destruction of the West and i cant wait for you, Foul and maniacal Existence to be removed from the world !!!


now go insult our people or Religion... you thought you can flap your stinking mouth and get no rebuttal ??? think again !



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Content that can be construed as provocative, objectionable, discriminatory, or abusive toward any real-world individual or group, may be subject to moderation. This includes but is not limited to content involving politics, race, religion, gender identity, sexuality, or social class.


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Moderation history

This member received 0 informal warnings and 0 formal warnings before they were banned



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