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Worldspace - Restoring state before precombined meshes


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I used precombined meshes on my worldpsace, but some meshes screwed up, so I had to delete the folder.


Now tons of my objects are missing in game (Rocks, Walls, etc..)




How can I restore the state before I used the precombined meshes generation?

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Maybe there's another way but the only way I found is by removing precombine data from each cell in xEdit, which would be tedious if you have a lot of cells to process, so I did this xEdit script for this end:

  New script template, only shows processed records
  Assigning any nonzero value to Result will terminate script
unit userscript;

// Called before processing
// You can remove it if script doesn't require initialization code
function Initialize: integer;
  Result := 0;

// called for every record selected in xEdit
function Process(e: IInterface): integer;
  el: IInterface;
  Result := 0;

  // processing code goes here
  if Signature(e) = 'CELL' then begin
    AddMessage('Processing CELL: ' + FullPath(e));
    if ElementExists(e, 'PCMB') then begin
      el := ElementByPath(e, 'PCMB');
      if Assigned(el) then
        RemoveElement(e, el);
    if ElementExists(e, 'XPRI') then begin
      el := ElementByPath(e, 'XPRI');
      if Assigned(el) then
        RemoveElement(e, el);
    if ElementExists(e, 'XCRI') then begin
      el := ElementByPath(e, 'XCRI');
      if Assigned(el) then
        RemoveElement(e, el);
    if ElementExists(e, 'VISI') then begin
      el := ElementByPath(e, 'VISI');
      if Assigned(el) then
        RemoveElement(e, el);
    if ElementExists(e, 'RVIS') then begin
      el := ElementByPath(e, 'RVIS');
      if Assigned(el) then
        RemoveElement(e, el);

// Called after processing
// You can remove it if script doesn't require finalization code
function Finalize: integer;
  Result := 0;


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the esp need the folders(without you get your problem), best way back up any esp you work on, before making precombines/vis, if not good delete folders put back the backup esp


when doing concord museum, after finishing my work, save'd the esp, copy/paste the esp, runned combined/vis, check the place, not good

deletd folders, placed back the esp, start again

Edited by speedynl
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