Els236 Posted December 4, 2012 Share Posted December 4, 2012 Calling all mod enthusiasts, I am asking you to post your "plugins.txt" file here, to see who has the most mods installed! - This doesn't include texture or mesh replacers though! I did have Warzones and Forested Skyrim installed, but the extra load made me crash too often :( I'm hoping removing them will fix that problem for me :/ Dawnguard.esm HearthFires.esm SPIKE.esm LevelersTower.esm MagicDuel.esm Solitude A City Of Trade.esm ApachiiHair.esm ApachiiHairFemales.esm ApachiiHairMales.esm RaceCompatibility.esm BBLuxurySuite.esm Brynjolf Dialogue Fix.esp Spell Absorb Fix.esp Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp Rainbows.esp randomthunder.esp skyradio.esp Warmer Magic Lights v2 - Big.esp Weapons and Armor Fixes.esp Weapons and Armor Fixes - Hacks.esp StaticMeshImprovementMod.esp 83Willows_101BUGS_V4_HighRes_HighSpawn.esp aDragonRide.esp ArmorRatingTweak.esp SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esp Birdsofskyrim.esp Chesko_WearableLantern.esp Chesko_WearableLantern_Candle_DG.esp Conjuration & Summoning fixes.esp Krisan's Children.esp Lost Art of the Blacksmith.esp More Craftables.esp Owned.esp Radiant and Unique Potions and Poisons v2.0.esp ShootingStars.esp SignTown_by_YURIL.esp skyBirds - Airborne Perching Birds.esp Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp Unique Booze Bottles Alternate Names Version.esp WorkingBoats.esp Destructible_bottles.esp Footprints.esp WetandCold.esp AetheriumSwordsnArmor.esp Avatar of Baltazar.esp battleflute.esp BlueJeans.esp Cloaks.esp DaedricCrossbow.esp DragonboneCrossbow.esp DragonBoneEbonsteel.esp Dragon Bone Mage Armor.esp DwemerAutoBlade.esp Elemental Staves.esp EternalShineArmorAndWeapons.esp ExtendedVanillaWeapons.esp Hell Sword.esp HeroicDwarven.esp Insanity's Dragonbane.esp Insanity's Kahvozein Fang.esp Insanity's Pale Blade.esp Knight Of Thorns Armor.esp private_singular_quivers.esp Really Radiant Raiment.esp Scarves! Skyrim Edition!.esp SilverDragonArmor.esp skyforgedShields.esp Space Wiking's Dwemer Exoskeleton.esp Sun Glasses OE.esp TribalMightArmor.esp CraftableODPM.esp Smithing Perks Overhaul.esp BBLuxurySuiteExt.esp BBLSmusic.esp BBLSapachii.esp Forgotten Windmill.esp Guardian Plate Armor.esp LimbwoodManor.esp Run For Your Lives.esp Secluded Cottage.esp The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp Vjarkell Castle.esp SkyrimCoinReplacer.esp Masters of Death.esp Accessible Vendor Chests.esp Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp HandyMan.esp JanusForbeare's Fighting Words.esp Superjump_2x.esp Soul Gems Differ - E.esp Spells Cast Light.esp Log Cabin Riften.esp RiverwoodEnhancedPlugin.esp TAVERiften.esp TAVESolitude.esp TAVEWindhelm.esp TownsAndCitiesEnhanced.esp WhiterunInEnhanced.esp whiterunMarket.esp Plush Backpack.esp RealisticRoomRental.esp Better Vampires.esp UnblockActivate.esp VampireKinship.esp YetAnotherWerewolfImprovement.esp YetAnotherWerewolfImprovement_DG.esp Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp SpellCombo.esp DragonbornAscendant.esp DeadlySpellImpacts.esp Sneak Tools.esp Sneak Tools Vanilla Masks.esp The Dance of Death.esp Vampirelordroyal.esp N_43 Hair Pack.esp Improved Eyes Skyrim.esp dagi_raht_race.esp WotA-VaalsarkRace.esp Hot_Male_Housecarls.esp BBLSVisitors.esp BBLuxurySuiteClassier.esp Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp VanillaRaces.esp WetandCold.esp WM_Warmer_Lights.esp Animated Weapon Enchants.esp getSnowy.esp Replacer Visuals for Spell Effects.esp WATER.esp smakit_house_markers_plus.esp BBLSGuysApachii.esp Automatic Variants.esp AK- Buyable Paintings and Pictures.esp AK- Mines and Mills.esp AK- Mines and Mills - Hearthfire.esp Auriel's Bow Reloaded.esp Avatar Of Grenth.esp Calming Island.esp DawnguardTools-Crafting.esp DragonHammer.esp DTHWerewolfUnique.esp DTHWerewolfUniqueDawnguard.esp DwemerHalogenLights.esp Ferrous Dragon Iron Armor Standalone.esp Ghosu - Project Flintlock.esp Ghosu - Project Flintlock - Ammo Addon.esp Gun Blade.esp GuyFawkesMaskStandalone.esp KCEAssaultRifles.esp LincolnTophat.esp Sam's Travelling Caravan.esp TG Headquarters Overhaul v.1.5.esp ThanesReward.esp throneroom.esp Wooded Oak.esp dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp Torch Hotkey.esp Headtracking.esp CLARALUX - More and Brighter Lights.esm ClassierTempleofMara.esp TERAArmors.esp FNISspells.esp DSLight.esm DS_Database.esp dscaramelldancen.esp Supreme Storms.esp Warburg's 3D Paper World Map - Dawnguard.esp Warburg's 3D Paper World Map.esp rcrnShaders.esp RCRNvolumetric.esp RCRN Revamped patch.esp TERA Weapons.esp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dudeman325 Posted December 4, 2012 Share Posted December 4, 2012 If you're going to do this, I'd really recommend putting the list inside spoiler tags so that each post isn't ridiculously long. Might as well post an example... Update.esm Dawnguard.esm EagleEyePerk_half_stamina.esm Ranger Ridge.esm Domus_Dementis.esm SleepingTreeSanctuary.esm Deus Mons.esm JSwords.esm FeatherCraft.esm WinterholdDestruction.esm NPCs of Dibella - Resources.esm SPIKE.esm Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp ACE BYOG - Starting Skills 0.esp ACE BYOG.esp SkyRe_EnemyAI.esp SkyRe_EnemyScaling.esp SkyRe_Races.esp Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp Fantasy Music Overhaul.esp Realistic Lighting - Dawnguard Patch.esp Realistic Lighting.esp Realistic Lighting Patcher.esp Better Dynamic Snow.esp Chesko_Frostfall.esp WetandCold.esp MintyLightningMod.esp DragonSoulConverter.esp SkyNotebook.esp Ranger Ridge.esp Domus Domentis.esp Deus Mons_WithNPCs.esp SleepingTreeSanctuary_FollowerFriendly.esp WoodsmansShack.esp treehouse2.0BETA.esp RwRSS Azura.esp Fishers Farm.esp Gokstad Sailable Ship v1.3b.esp RiftenBypass.esp ExpandedWinterholdRuins.esp shorter_respawns.esp RealPermanentBlessings.esp EzEWorldMap.esp DungeonQuestAwareness.esp Cartographers Map Markers.esp Unmarked Places - Dragon Mounds.esp Dayspring Canyon Map Marker.esp BarenziahQuestMarkers_Droppable.esp DragonPriestMaskQuestMarkers.esp Clear Skies Fix.esp Improved Dragon Shouts.esp Improved Dragon Shouts - Dawnguard.esp No Kill Moves.esp NoKillCam.esp Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp Reduced Distance NPC Greetings.esp Realistic Running Speed.esp fFastTravelSpeedMult_4.esp SkyrimsUniqueTreasures.esp PISE.esp DeadlyDragons.esp Run For Your Lives.esp Frost Giants in the Cold.esp Realistic Animal Behaviour.esp Balanced_Alteraton.esp Balanced_Conjuration.esp Balanced_Destruction.esp Balanced_Illusion.esp Balanced_Restoration.esp Balanced_Magic_Master.esp Spell Brilliance.esp SustainedSpells.esp DTHSpellMageArmorEffectReplacerMuffle.esp DeadlyCombat.esp DeadlyCombat_GiantsAIFix.esp DeadlyCombat_PISE_Patch.esp DeadlyCombat_UnarmedFix.esp NoAutoAim.esp Dual Wield Parrying_ScriptDragon.esp two_handed_rebalance_toned_down.esp Headbomb's Better Sorting - Ammo.esp Headbomb's Better Sorting - Books.esp Headbomb's Better Sorting - Food (Normal Weight).esp Headbomb's Better Sorting - Ingredients.esp Headbomb's Better Sorting - Miscellaneous.esp Headbomb's Better Sorting - Potions (Normal Weight).esp Headbomb's Better Sorting - Soul Gems (PseudoVanilla).esp Better Skill and Quest Books Names - BS.esp Soul Gems Differ - E.esp Dragon Priest Masks - Better Sorting Style.esp Path of Shadows.esp Binocular Vision For NPCs while Sneaking.esp Realistic crime report radius.esp AlchemyPlus-GarlicSalt.esp CM Merchants.esp ajd_skyrimbookstores.esp Bookstore.esp Economics of Skyrim.esp Weapons and Armor fixes.esp Weapons and Armor fixes - Hacks.esp Cloaks - Player Only.esp JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp PrvtI_HeavyArmory.esp LostLongSwords.esp Immersive Weapons.esp hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp JewelCraft.esp FormsEdit.esp Huntsmans Prowess Buff.esp SmeltingDwarvenMetalNoCogs.esp Complete Crafting Overhaul - BS version.esp Smithing Perks Overhaul - Balanced.esp LeftHandRings.esp Earrings Set1.esp BR_HoodCirclets.esp Craftable_DPMasks.esp FishingInSkyrim.esp PTAlchemyFoodOverhaul_BetterSorting.esp PTAlchemyOverhaul_SkillRate_1_0.esp ArodAlchemyAnalyzer.esp ToL_Core_by_Brevi.esp Predator Vision.esp Portable Campsite.esp Hunting in Skyrim.esp Recover All Arrows.esp skyBirds - Airborne Perching Birds.esp realFurbagBackPack.esp NerniesRangerPack.esp WoodlandRanger.esp nordicrangerarmor.esp PlainBlackSet.esp GameOfThronesArmors.esp HBetterBows.esp Orc_Weapon_Adjust.esp Dwemer_WeaponArmor_Adjust.esp DawnguardDawnbreaker_HolyFireEd.esp Wolf Master.esp Sabretooth.esp OpenFaceGuardHelmets.esp NPCs of Dibella - Females.esp WATER.esp GreenWaterFix_Compatible.esp I should note that some of these are minor mods I've made myself that aren't really worth releasing, and that I make personal edits to almost every mod I download. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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