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Gday all


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Hey people of the Nexus world, Well my name is Jason, and I hail from Australia...

Been I gamer for most of my life, started back in the day of Commodore 64 and an Atari... the good old days...( many many moons ago ) For the past 10 or so years Ive basically been an PS4 guy, but for some reason IM back on the PC... Ive just built my new rig...

Ryzen 7 3700x

Asus tuf x570

Galax Gefore RTX 2070 Super EX Gamer Black Edition

16G ram - 3600Mhz

Samsung 970 EVO plus 500G

Seagate 1TB

( with RGB goodness-its so pretty) :facepalm:

My games of choice are-RPG's- Wither 3, Dragon age, mass effect, RDR (red dead redemption) etc etc, I do love me sports games, not a big fan of first person shooters, and of cause " the elder scrolls-series"

and- dont judge- I do love the "sims"

I have to say though, Im not a stranger to mods-or maybe I am- but what Ive seen in here, holy crap guys...Salute you all!!!

My first first game Ill be modding from this site, is going to be SKYRIM... Ive played it through (on PS4) around 5 times... this time is going to be with my new PC rig and your mods... this im really excited about!!!


Anywho...thats me in a nut very small nut shell... peace all


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Big wave from the other side of the world welcome aboard! If you ever decide to go retro ES I'll be hanging out on the Oblivion forums.

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