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Currently, in my game, everytime I attempt to change spells it asks if I really wish to delete this spell... I don't want to delete any of my spells but I can't get it to stop asking me that question... and the worst part is it will not let me change off of a very weak healing spell... any ideas on how to get this to stop.... I'm not sure if it's becuase I pressed the wrong thing or what.... but if someone out help me out I'd appreciate it.
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That happens to me occasionally. Somehow, the game gets confused and thinks I'm holding down the SHIFT and ALT keys. If I tap them a few times each, it gets corrected and works ok again.


Do you have a Logitech keyboard? It happens to me in other programs too, so I'm thinking it might be the keyboard. Though, I wouldn't put it past Winblows being the culprit.

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