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skyui 3.0 alpha with Better Horses - potential incompatibility


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Yeah - ok try to keep this short


loaded sky ui 3 to run spinners extra hot keys - was working great


started getting some missing/incompatible menu errors coming from sky ui when the game was loading - didn't know where they were coming from - damn skyrim got to where it simply would go to the load screen and try to load a save game - but the load process would hang - no ctd, just hang - and task manager showed skyrim "not responding"



basic idea on trying to fix

worked backwards thru some mods recently installed - got rid of the messages by disabling some junk, creating a clean save game by way of making a new game New Character to load my junk saved game including sky ui 3.0, more hotkeys please, better horses,


Trouble shooting path:

0. deinstalled recent added mods

1. reloaded skse, ran with clean save game, no more errors

2. ran with clean skse - old dirty save game, no errors

3. ran with clean skse, reloaded skyui 3.0 ran old dirty save game no errors

4. reloaded more hotkeys please ran old dirty game no more errors - tested hotkeys - clean clean


Problemo I think is here:

reloaded better horses no more errors - BUT THEN i trained the horse and:

read the training manual for my horse for better horses - saved game and loaded game with trained horse BOOOM!!!! incompatible error messages came back!deinstalled better horses,


deleteted CRAP save game - now getting missing HUD error from skyui - but atleast the game loads up... man I don't want to reload all this stuff again!



Alternate horse solution: loaded, cowardly horses, bought a new horse, and downloaded horse whisper

haven't tested it yet but I expect no problems.

Edited by jasmerd
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