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Multiple textures assigned to one .nif


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On further investigation I think you would have to create a copy of the existing nif for each texture variant and edit the texture paths in Nifskope accordingly - old-school Beth stuff. I don't have the zombie mod you refer to but suspect it is based on the ghoul mesh. This is quite simple and you would only have to change three or so paths, all referring to the same texture.
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On further investigation I think you would have to create a copy of the existing nif for each texture variant and edit the texture paths in Nifskope accordingly - old-school Beth stuff. I don't have the zombie mod you refer to but suspect it is based on the ghoul mesh. This is quite simple and you would only have to change three or so paths, all referring to the same texture.


Okay so I created 2 copies of the .nif file and put in two different textures for them. I'm having a hard time assigning them to the zombies cause the Zombie mod only spawns and uses one creature. And even if I check the 2 new .nifs on the Model Tab of the one zombie creature it spawns it doesn't use them. I'm completely baffled lol

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