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Material Swapping Help?


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What's all this material swap stuff about for FO4? Is there a way to switch an item to just have Mesh/texture so I can easily replace the texture?


I want to add a bottle from Nuka Cola Classic to every Nuka cola mix flavor from the DLC. Then retexture them to be Coca Cola brand drinks later on.

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Material files are a collection of textures (Normal, diffuse, etc..)

Along with the textures come a ton of settings (Transparency, Glowing....)


If you want to create a custom material file for a bottle, export a nukacola.bgsm from the material files.b2a,

give it a new name and choose your custom texture.

After that you can choose it in the CK.


(Bear in mind that you might have to close and reopen the CK to make the changes appear)

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