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Constant CTDs after installing Uncapped Settlement Surplus.


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Hi all,


For whatever reason, after installing Uncapped Settlement Surplus, I started getting CTDs and can't play more than like 2 minutes. Even after uninstalling this mod and reverting to a prior save, I'm still getting CTDs.

Before installing USS, I never had this issue.


Here is my current load order:

  1. *Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
  2. *HUDFramework.esm
  3. *Settler Sandbox Overhaul.esl
  4. *SimSettlements.esm
  5. *Homemaker.esm
  6. *SavrenX HD Vanilla Clothes Optimized.esp
  7. *SavrenX HD Vanilla Armor.esp
  8. *ArmorClothingOverhaul.esp
  9. *Hidden Helmets 2.0 - Standalone.esp
  10. InvisibleHelmets.esp
  11. *PiperCaitCurieDialogueOverhaul.esp
  12. *DeaconClothes.esp
  13. *OCDecorator.esp
  14. *OCDecoratorDLC.esp
  15. *OCDispenser.esp
  16. *BetterSettlersNoLollygagging.esp
  17. *BetterSettlers.esp
  18. *BetterSettlersCleanFacePack.esp
  19. *BTInteriors_Project.esp
  20. *Lots More Facial Hair.esp
  21. *Lots More Female Hairstyles.esp
  22. *Lots More Male Hairstyles.esp
  23. *The Eyes Of Beauty.esp
  24. *LooksMenu.esp
  25. *TrueGrass.esp
  26. *ValiusHDTextures4K.esp
  27. *Danse GTFO Power Armor.esp
  28. *PreWarSafes.esp
  29. *Better Settlement Defence.esp
  30. *Passthrough.esp
  31. *BetterJunkFences.esp
  32. *MoreVaultRooms.esp
  33. *VaultPlus.esp
  34. RepairSanctuary.esp
  35. *Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp
  36. *FemsheppingsHairifiedDeacon_NATE.esp
  37. *FaceMaxson.esp
  38. *Vault Outfits Redux.esp
  39. *SatelliteWorldMap.esp
  40. *IMG_Castle_Wall_Patches.esp
  41. *CWSS Redux.esp
  42. *BetterCompanions.esp
  43. R88ItemSort.esp
  44. *Stm_DiamondCityExpansion.esp
  45. *R88Sorter.esp


Anyone able to help with this? My game had been very stable before installing/uninstalling USS, but I don't know how that could have now caused all these CTDs


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Ah crud :(

I was the one that posted a link of that mod to you. Don. I feel sooo bad :(


Before you uninstalled it, did you go through, and use the holotape to disable all it's functions and prep the game for uninstall. Did you also remove any items that the mod had added in after enabling it?


Granted, yeah... that might be hard to do since it started crashing so much.

I really shoulda looked at that mod a lot more. It's largely script based. Which means save-game baking.


Here's my recommendation. Make backups of all your savegames before trying this. This tool is not 100% for FO4.

https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10261 read through the description and instructions very carefully. But this is why you make backups.


I'd look for anything that looks like it has a name like the mod causing the problems.


Dude. I am soo soo sorry that mod caused you this kind of trouble.

Hopefully this will help.


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No no, don't worry about it! It's not your fault! Honestly I have such bad luck with computers I'm surprised my game has lasted this long haha


Ok so facepalm moment, I did try the tried and true "just restart the whole damn computer" -- I did that, loaded up an even earlier save file (to be safe) and so far... It's been OK. I'll keep playing, traveling, doing whatever to test.

Perhaps there was something hanging out in my game folders and a restart cleaned it up? It's interesting...

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When in doubt, REBOOT! :D

(If that doesn't work, boot it harder!) ;D

Wow, that is a really huge relief.

Really glad that didn't involve you having to try to scrub your saves, or have to just start all over.


Meh. I still got a big reminder that I need to stop rushing through things and read more into it. So yeah, that part is on me. But I really am glad to hear that it worked out ok! :thumbsup:


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