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2012 Christmas Overhaul


Main Focus?  

11 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the main focus of the mod be..

    • Decorations
    • Scenery
    • Quests
    • Music
    • NPCs
    • Weapons
    • Other (Explain)

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Hellos again Nexus Forum, anyways I'm working on a 2012 Christmas Overhaul mod, similar to my Halloween Overhaul except it will be more Christmas related and that I will be significantly better at modding while I work on it.


Anyways; anyone have any ideas, quests or the like they would enjoy seeing added? Or any voices, music, or 3D Models they would like to donate to the cause?

If submitting a quest idea try to use as much detail about the scenery and look of npcs and dialog as possible.


Considering I've started it a bit later than I did with the Halloween Overhaul, well, it should still be done on time.

Edited by Tentain
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I think I'll actually wait for the new DLC to come out and use it's resources as well in the Christmas Overhaul (If they SERIOUSLY wait a month to release it for PC, well, Christmas can be a bit late)
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I'll just chime in my support; If you need any custom heightmaps (I.E, pre-made terrain for islands, continents, etc.), I'm willing tae make you a couple.

Also got a bit of experience with Maya, so I could send you .obj meshes, should you need any made.

Don't know if that is of any use, but if you plan on making an X-Mas island of sorts, that is where my expertise comes in handy.

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Perhaps I started the project a bit late, I'll gather permissions for the, obviously many Christmas mods which will be spammed all across the Nexus in a couple weeks, and along with my other collected resources will begin the mod mid-next year and instead have it be a 2013 Christmas Overhaul.


Regardless, still post resources, ideas, etc, and I would be glad to save them. And will even more time I will be able to finish even larger scale ideas.

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