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Issues With Custom Meshes


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Hello Modders! I've been working on a quest based mod that features a new world-space for players to explore. I also want to use custom assets in this mod(buildings, weapons, props etc.) I've attempted importing 2 static objects thus far into NV and the meshes, textures, and collisions render in GECK and in game, however I cannot select the objects in the render window of GECK, which prevents me from moving the objects without using the 3d Data menu to manually adjust position.(Which takes way longer than I would like) The meshes also have bounding boxes way bigger than the object itself. Further more the meshes have terrible glossy lighting issues that I would like to fix if possible before continuing to work on exporting any more .nif files until I know what's causing these issues. I'm currently using the Blender Nif Plugin for my .nif exports to New Vegas, my preferred software to use is C4D but it seems they're no .nif plugins for it unfortunately. Here's a imgur link with pics displaying my issues.




If you have any idea what could be causing any of these issues, I would appreciate any help i can get. Thanks and happy hunting!

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What version of Blender are you using? You need to be using 2.49b if you want things to actually work. There are nif tools for newer versions of Blender, but they don't work very well.


You can probably do some of the modeling in C4D. Export as an obj, import the obj into Blender and do the collision mesh in Blender, then export as nif. I don't use C4D but it should work fine for statics and clutter objects. You probably won't be able to do animations or rigging.


If you are using Blender 2.49b then you probably have something set wrong in your export options.


We are going to need more details about exactly what you did before we can figure out what you did wrong.

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What version of Blender are you using? You need to be using 2.49b if you want things to actually work. There are nif tools for newer versions of Blender, but they don't work very well.


You can probably do some of the modeling in C4D. Export as an obj, import the obj into Blender and do the collision mesh in Blender, then export as nif. I don't use C4D but it should work fine for statics and clutter objects. You probably won't be able to do animations or rigging.


If you are using Blender 2.49b then you probably have something set wrong in your export options.


We are going to need more details about exactly what you did before we can figure out what you did wrong.

Thanks for the reply. I'm using the 2.49b version of blender and that's exactly how I ended up doing my blender imports, with the .obj import. I exported the collisions from C4D as-well and imported them as a separate .obj to the scene and applied the necessary logic to the model, and the collisions are working as intended. The only issue I'm having is the poor lighting in GECK and in-game, and for some reason I can't move the objects in the render window of GECK. I'm not sure what export settings I should be using for static objects but these are the settings I've been using.




Let me know if you see anything that should or shouldn't be set.


Thanks again!

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You need to select Use BSFadeNodeRoot (on the right side). Everything else looks correct for a static.


If you still have issues with lighting, try editing your mesh and recalculate normals.


Do you have a normal map texture? If not the nif will still usually work ok though you might occasionally see some lighting weirdness depending on the lighting conditions.

Edited by madmongo
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You need to select Use BSFadeNodeRoot (on the right side). Everything else looks correct for a static.


If you still have issues with lighting, try editing your mesh and recalculate normals.


Do you have a normal map texture? If not the nif will still usually work ok though you might occasionally see some lighting weirdness depending on the lighting conditions

Thanks madmongo! Ticking the BSFadeNodeRoot fixed it, and I can edit them in the render window now. As for the lighting the issue I seemed to be having was the normal maps weren't converting to .dds properly. I used a different converter for the normal's and the lighting looks much better in game. Still looks kinda odd in GECK but as long as it looks good in game it doesn't really matter. As for the issue with the bounding boxes being way too large, I think it had something to do with the way the objects in the mesh were scaled. Once I set the scene scale to 1 and exported the bounding box was properly sized. It wasn't a huge issue, but when it comes time to generate navmesh, it will save me a fair amount of time.


Thanks again for the help! Saved me a lot of time! :happy:

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