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realistic Spartan armour


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Many of the already made Greek/Spartan amour made aren't very realistic


They are either half naked, or replacing the imperial Armour


I want a standalone heavy Armour and Sheild like the ones used in this Doco and picture


and separate shield models with lions, spiders and other animals on them





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This is an incredible armor mod, although it does replace imperial armor: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6085


Immersive Armors by hothtrooper44 also provides a nice greek style standalone armor in the pack. I would high recommend IA as it is very lore-friendly and adds a lot more variety to Skyrim.


If you want a standalone version of that first mod for *personal* use PM me and I'll see what I can do.

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Total War: Rome 2 has some very good unit models. This is from a Rome 2 Spartan retexture mod:



It would be cool to see armour packs for other Greek factions as well, like the Macedonians, Seleucids, Athenians etc.

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