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Script: Adding Experience (Without F4SE)


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  • 1 year later...

Well, this topic is to be dug out.

My request is about editing "on kill" experience. The goal is either to disable it or put onto flat "1" rail, so you only kill when guided by need or crave. This and all other expierence gains are multiplied dramatically( quest rewards, charisma checks, bypassing, except building).

This crossed part is easy to pull off. Main question, I would bet, requires scripting experience.

Would anybody kindly point a finger into right direction?

My best lead so far is entry point "Mod Kill Experience" on IdiotSavantXPBoost [PERK:001F6B02], looked up with fo4edit.

Perk modifies it, so may be I can do it too... multiply it by 0.01? Work always? Haha quess I have a fine lead...

Regardless, tips would be very welcome.

Edited by anton6732
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Yes, modifying the perk and adding it would be the best thing you could do.

Create a quest, Check "Run on Start",

add a script,

Perk Property KillPerk

Event OnQuestInit()



or something more elaborate of course

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I use the Perk entry point Mod Kill Experience in several of my EXP managment solutions.


Note you have to consider if you need absolute (Multiply Value) or cumulative/stacking (Multiply Actor Value Mult).


Works fine, for a template look at Dynamic Damage Manager.

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