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Back after a long time.. need advice about old mods..


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Hi guys, I haven't played Skyrim since it first came out.. like what a year ago?? Anyway I installed a dozen or so mods back then and now I am wondering how and if I should bother updating them or get them from the steam workshop or what.. (The worksop wasn't yet out when I played last).

I have SKSE and a couple of plugins in there I don't know what they are anymore.. I also don't know which mods have become obsolete now because Skyrim was still being patched when I installed these and I am pretty sure some of the mods were just to fix stuff that Bethesda hadn't done yet.


I see NMM still doesn't have a export feature >.< so here is a screen capture of the mod list I have.



And these are the 3 files I have in my SKSE plugins folder;





Also have some files / folders in Interface like SkyUI which I know was a UI overhaul mod but how do I go about removing all this stuff?


Would greatly appreciate any advice and info about all this mess.. so I can start playing again from where I left off.


Many thanks for your time :)

Edited by true_blue
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To be honest, it's probably going to be a lot less hassle to just start from scratch and revert back to Vanilla Skyrim (or do a fresh install making sure to delete anything left in the \steamapps\common\Skyrim\ folder after uninstalling) and start a new game.


The Unofficial Patches are highly recommended (Skyrim, Dawnguard and Hearthfires).


Not sure what hideout or breezehomeshelves do; Convenient Horses, Better Horses or Horse Whisper all include similar functionality to CommandHorse; I think Craftable Arrows is still around, though it's probably been updated; Enhanced Blooad and Realistc Ragdoll Forces are still around; Essential (Everything), Headbomb's Sorting, Killable Children, and Realistic Lighting are still going strong; R.W.T was replaced by WATER and there's no way to clean some of the changes R.W.T. made to saves (resulting in missing LoD waterfalls and such); Unlimited Rings may or may not be in need of an update.


STEP and GEMS are two great resources for finding mods. STEP deals with visuals primarily while GEMS focuses on gameplay enhancements.

Edited by MShoap13
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Thanks for your help buddy.. I will try to salvage my savegame nevertheless.. I got quite far in and collected a lot of good stuff so I am reluctant to restart just to fix some water issues.. but I may do so if the unofficial patches need it.. not even heard of STEP or GEMS to be honest. I will have to do some research..


But do you think its better to let steam workshop handle mods from now on or is there a better way?


Also, is SkyUI still used or is that something else now? Hmm I also had a mod that changed the gold coin texture but that doesn't seem to be in my load list either.. probably a few that aren't. Is SKSE still needed / used for any mods?


Thanks a lot.. I appreciate the info and advice as its quite overwhelming coming back to a heavily modded game after such a long time.. especially when there have been many patches since! :(






To be honest, it's probably going to be a lot less hassle to just start from scratch and revert back to Vanilla Skyrim (or do a fresh install making sure to delete anything left in the \steamapps\common\Skyrim\ folder after uninstalling) and start a new game.


The Unofficial Patches are highly recommended (Skyrim, Dawnguard and Hearthfires).


Not sure what hideout or breezehomeshelves do; Convenient Horses, Better Horses or Horse Whisper all include similar functionality to CommandHorse; I think Craftable Arrows is still around, though it's probably been updated; Enhanced Blooad and Realistc Ragdoll Forces are still around; Essential (Everything), Headbomb's Sorting, Killable Children, and Realistic Lighting are still going strong; R.W.T was replaced by WATER and there's no way to clean some of the changes R.W.T. made to saves (resulting in missing LoD waterfalls and such); Unlimited Rings may or may not be in need of an update.


STEP and GEMS are two great resources for finding mods. STEP deals with visuals primarily while GEMS focuses on gameplay enhancements.

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