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Please Help Me Learn to Mod


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I try to follow this http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=BHRUK8bu4UQ, but im immediately stuck, since i have No Clue how to Mod or what im even doing.


I Installed the CK and Loaded the Master File of Skyrim, then i get a Warning about this. http://i48.tinypic.com/2iiej42.jpg


I want to Learn how to make a Teleporter Spell with Locations to where I want to put it around Skyrim and that they must be Discovered First, then i can Teleport to that spot.


Now that Video Tutorial is the Only Decent one i could find, but the Member is asking to Load the Master File and some Test Mod in witch i dont even have such a thing.


Please tell me in Detail, How to Start the CK and what to do.


Theres 2 Mods that are Brilliantly Done in How i want to Teleport without Menu Settings or Gimmicks, just Teleport, pick a Location and Go. Thats the Tutorial i want, but they left the Project half way with Missing Locations while the Landing Locations are in the middle of a Quest related area and they dont let you get the Spell at the Appropriate Place.

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The error message is normal, i get that everytime, ignore it. :)

Actually when his refering to a testmod he just means if you had a made plugin that you test stuff on, so in other words, just load skyrim.esm and do the changes you want and when you click save the CK will ask you name your plugin.

As for the spell, sorry can't help you, i do more modeling and world creation than spell creation, so i have no good way of telling you what to do there. Have you by any chance gone through all 10 tutorials by bethesda and searched the creation kit wiki for clues?

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Yea, but none are helpful enough when some just start the Tutorial after they opened the CK.


Please make a Youtube Teleport Tutorial that Just Teleport with No fancy gimmicks or Menu Tricks, i just want to Cast the Teleport like a Conjuration Spell and pick a location, then Teleport. I must also First Discover the Location, so i dont just Teleport and break a Quest that CTD my Game.

Edited by daventry
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  • 2 weeks later...

Daventry, you certainly didn't start with easy mod.

Question here:

Have you seen many mods like that around, if not, how you believe someone is able to give you step-by-step tutorial on how to do it?


I've only seen one mod a bit like that, but it only works when in Vampire Lord form, and it doesn't have function "Discover first, travel then"

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Some Youtube Tutorials http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=2cQdDnAaCkM dont start from How to open the CK and then Load the Skyrim esp, they just start in the Middle of the Tutorial and expect a Dumb Beginner like me to know where he is. I dont even know how to rotate the Room, because after i click something, a space goes out of place and then i dont know if the CK saves that witch would look like that In-Game.


Ive seen 2 Mods that does Exactly what i want, but they dont make you Discover the place First and they have Teleport Locations that drops you right in the middle of Quest Related areas and there are More Locations that arent covered.


Both Members seem to have Abandoned their Projects and the other 30 Teleport Mods have Settings and Gimmicks i dont like, hence i would Love to make my Own Teleport Mod instead of Bugging Members.

Edited by daventry
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Okay first of all, this has been explained several times before in several places, including the tutorials on my own site, and the links from the non-yootoob tutorial thread I started, but I'll go again.


1) You need the following tools to mod:



Creation Kit

An internet connection to check tutorials and to run Steam, although you can mod in offline mode, obviously.


2) When you start the Creation Kit, YES, there are several "warning" poppers that come up. Click "Yes to All" because they have absolutely nothing to do with reality, they're simply CK errors.


3) In order for someone to write you a step by step tutorial on the subject you asked for, the person would basically have to make your mod for you. Not happening. You can learn.


4) Open the CK. In the File > Data menu, click Skyrim.esm and Update.esm, then click OK. This will start a new plugin for you.


5) When the warning poppers come up, click YES TO ALL and then never worry about them again.


6) Once the new blank plugin is loaded, click File > Save, and then save your ESP with a name you'll remember.


7) Now that you have a plugin made (so that you don't inadvertantly screw up Skyrim itself) you can play around. There are script and code snippets you can use, and there are tutorials that teach how to use Papyrus itself to write NEW scripts or snippets, and how to attatch them to objects, how to make them happen, and so on.


8.) Keep in mind, when people are giving instructions, writing or recording tutorials, and so on, they will use generic terms such as "Testmod" or "MyNewScript" and so on. This is because they're giving examples. You name your own stuff with unique names, but the tutorial author can't know what you're going to use, so that's why you see titles and names like that.


9) Modders are not a bunch of meanies. However, after a while of answering the same questions and linking the same threads and so on, they get a little tired of it. Most of the tutorials out there are easy to follow, whether they're official Bethesda tutes or whether they're community produced tutorials. Again, check the stickies for these forums specifically, and you'll find pinned threads that direct you to a wealth of tutorials.


10) The only way to learn to mod TES games, is to mod TES games. Every one of us started the same way, with a blank screen and an idea. Be grateful there's a Construction Kit and a Creation Kit -- because we didn't always have those things at all, you know. None of us knew what we were doing the first time we started. We all had to learn. As we learned, we wrote down what we found out in the form of tutorials, which are posted all over the internet.


11) The best advice any of us can give you, is to dive in and DO something. It may work. It may not work. If it doesn't work, tinker with it. If it does work, great -- remember what you did so you can reproduce it. If you end up with a SPECIFIC question -- then ask it on the forums. But just saying "I can't mod, someone magically stick the knowledge into my head" -- which is what you seem to be doing here -- isn't going to get you much help.


12) Pick a tutorial -- ANY tutorial, from the official Bethesda Creation Kit site or from here -- and follow it, step by step. It may not have anything to do with what you're ultimately trying to make, BUT it will help you become familiar with the tools we have available to use. Once you've done that, you will be in a better position not only to make mods of your own, but to ask for help when you get stuck.


Good luck!

Edited by Allannaa
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I have Successfully made my First Mod with this Detailed Instruction Tutorial



Even though i still dont understand allot, i managed to make a Summon Barbas Conjuration Spell in witch i can somehow Conjure 2 Barbas (not sure how that happened) :blush:


He is Immortal and you cant Kill it or interact with it, i also made the Barking Quieter and he stays around for 1 Minute ;)


I still dont know how to Rotate a Scene or click a certain object, because whatever i click or move, the entire Floor Moves. I want to move up or down and left or right, since i manage to drop something, but its in the air at the CK. :unsure:


So heres the Summon Barbas Book Mod you can find near the Fireplace of the Riverwood Inn with a very Broken Building and Floor. :laugh:



Now how do you put the Book within a Chest or a Sack or a Dead Body. :ermm:


By the way, is that Youtube Person a Member here, because he did a Teleport Tutorial, but he started in the Middle of his Video and i was stuck on what to do, please get him and ask him to make Another Teleport Tutorial. :)


Edited by daventry
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