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CK armor import and forge


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Hi all, I'm trying to figure out how to get items into my game. I've used the ck enough to know the basics and I've searched the forums for some time to find an answer but no luck.


I just need help placing an item into the game to be forge-able. I don't need it placed in the game anywhere just so that I can forge it. I have the meshes and textures down, all I need to know is how to place that armor into the ck and then make it craft-able.


I know I have to place it in data the meshes and textures but thats about as far as I get.


Thanks for the help.

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Well i've only got a weapon video tutorial in my sig, the last part is the import process in CK.

Armor is quite similar, just open CK and search for a random armor part like daedricblabla and copy/edit all forms. Just take the same type as you used for your armor like helmet, gloves, body, boots.


If i remember right there are 4 forms for each armor part, lets take the Daedric Helmet:

ArmorDaedricHelmet (armor stats)

DaedricHelmetAA (Addon with paths)

RecipArmorDaedricHelmet (to make it craftable)

TemperArmorDaedricHelmet (to make it improveable)


Copy all of them, rename ID and change all values you want, don't forget to set up the paths to your model (there are paths for the world model in the ARMOR form and paths to the armor itself in the AA form). In the armor form is a window in the middle below that connects to the AA form, don't forget to change that to your AA form. In the Keyword section on the right side you can change the armor's material.



Edited by ghosu
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