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Covenant - Dead Caravan dissappears


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Zorkaz: cleans up the Commonwealth, one cell at a time :smile:


ps that Caravan is the closest source for a combat rifle to Sanctuary at low player level. If you clean it up, extract any remaining inventory.

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Yes, but the quest can be completed without looting the caravan, then if the sweet combat rifle disappears you may have a queue of disappointed customers banging on your door. Tip: consider the possible states of all existing game objects before messing about with them.

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Hi, not sure if it'll help, but:

Theres a mod I use which allows you to scrap dead bodies, even if they're gibbed all parts will be removed and you'll get some materials from them too, here: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/6497

Hope this helps!


PS: Scrapping the bodies treats them as a container so anything in their inventory gets sent to the settlement inventory.

Edited by mocholate
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