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Half Health for all NPCs


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Hi all.


Recently I switched from using the Requiem overhaul (mainly because I didn't want to download the whole file again for each update, and don't get me wrong: it's a brilliant overhaul) to a much simpler mod which simply unlevels the whole world. To couple this, I got the damage multipliers mod (I forget the name, but I have the difficulty on Adept, which is x3 damage) to compensate for the exhilirating battles in Requiem.


My problem is, that with the unlevelled world, I come across Bandit Marauders which have 498 health, and when I start with a mere 100 health, I get slaughtered.


I've tried a few methods to half the NPC health altogether, but these tweaks to the Gameplay Settings didn't work. Apparently you can fix this somehow with SKSE, but I have no knowledge about using it.


I'd just like a simple tweak that makes all NPCs have half health - or better, a third of their current health. Editing each individual person would cause brains to explode and would take four-hundred years so that is out of the question.


Thanks to those able, for I am but a noob in the face of the CK. :)

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